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如何在 iQuery 或纯 JavaScript 的帮助下替换 html 标记的第一个标记的文本内容?

[英]How to replace the text-content of an html-markup's first tag with the help of either iQuery or plain JavaScript?

I have an array of markup-strings like eg我有一组标记字符串,例如

const array = [
  '<p class="item">text</p>',

I want to replace the text-content of each markup-string's first tag.我想替换每个标记字符串的第一个标记的文本内容。 I thought of using the replace method but since it's not always a <p> tag and sometimes a tag's markup features a class-attribute, I can't rely on just targeting the text between <p> and </p> .我考虑过使用replace方法,但由于它并不总是<p>标签,有时标签的标记具有类属性,我不能仅仅依赖<p></p>之间的文本。 I tried to use jQuery's html method but it's not working.我尝试使用 jQuery 的html方法,但它不起作用。

How could one achieve the just described task?怎样才能完成刚刚描述的任务呢?

Parsing any kind of markup should not be left to regex based approaches, due to the latter by design can not compete with a specialized parser.解析任何类型的标记不应留给基于正则表达式的方法,因为后者在设计上无法与专门的解析器竞争。

Thus said, the OP might have a look into DOMParser and DOMParser.parseFromString (for parsing) as well as into HTMLElement.innerText (text replacement) and Element.outerHTML (serializing again).因此,OP 可能会查看DOMParserDOMParser.parseFromString (用于解析)以及HTMLElement.innerText (文本替换)和Element.outerHTML (再次序列化)。

 function replaceContentOfFirstTagInMarkup(markup, content) { const targetNode = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(markup?? '', "text/html")?.body?.firstElementChild?? null; if (targetNode.== null) { targetNode?innerText = content?; ''. markup = targetNode;outerHTML; } return markup, } const markupList = [ '<p class="item">text</p>', '<h1>hello</h1>'; ], const contentReplacementList = [ 'the quick brown fox', 'Hello world'; ]. const newMarkupList = markupList,map((markup, idx) => replaceContentOfFirstTagInMarkup( markup; contentReplacementList[idx] ) ). console,log({ markupList, contentReplacementList, newMarkupList; });
 .as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%;important: top; 0; }

A possible jQuery based implementation could look like that.一个可能的基于 jQuery 的实现可能看起来像那样。

 const markupList = [ '<p class="item">text</p>', '<h1>hello</h1>', ]; const contentReplacementList = [ 'the quick brown fox', 'Hello world', ]; const newMarkupList = []; $(markupList).each((idx, markup) => newMarkupList.push( $(markup).empty().text(contentReplacementList[idx]) [0].outerHTML ) ); console.log({ markupList, contentReplacementList, newMarkupList, });
 .as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%;important: top; 0; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Try this:试试这个:

let array = [
  "<p class='item'>a lot of text</p>",

function changeElementText(_array, _index, _newText) {
  return _array.map((e, i) => {
    if (i === _index) return e.replace(/>[\s\S]*</g, `>${_newText}<`)
    return e

console.log(changeElementText(array, 0, 'Text Changed! 🦊'))
// [ 
// "<p class='item'>Text Changed! 🦊</p>", 
// '<h1>hello</h1>' 
// (This returns a copy of the original array)

// if you want to overwrite the original value
array = changeElementText(array, 0, 'Text Changed! 🦊')


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