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Javascript - 获取元素的格式化文本内容?

[英]Javascript - Getting formatted textContent of an element?

Say I have the following div:假设我有以下 div:

<div id="some-div">
   <div id="sub-div">Lorem <b>ipsum</b> dolor <a href="https://www.example.com/">sit</a> amet, consectetur adipisici elit</div>

Now, when I get the textContent of this div, I get Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit .现在,当我得到这个 div 的 textContent 时,我得到Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit What I want is Lorem <b>ipsum</b> dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit (It could also be other identifiers than <b> indicating that the "ipsum" is bold).我想要的是Lorem <b>ipsum</b> dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit (它也可以是<b>以外的其他标识符,表示“ipsum”是粗体)。

I do not want things like the <a> -Link (since that would just be innerHTML of the sub-div ).我不想要像<a> -Link 这样的东西(因为那只是sub-divinnerHTML )。

Something along these lines might work?这些方面的东西可能有用吗?

convert your desired tags into non-html markup (like bb code)将您想要的标签转换为非 html 标记(如 bb 代码)

read the innerText to remove all the other html markup阅读 innerText 以删除所有其他 html 标记

convert the bb code back into html将 bb 代码转换回 html


press the "CLICK" text, and the result will be printed to console按“CLICK”文本,结果将打印到控制台

 function replaceTag(node, tag) { let tags = node.querySelectorAll(tag) tags.forEach( (item) => { item.outerHTML = `[${tag}]${item.innerHTML}[/${tag}]` }) } function ex() { // create a clone to mutate let node = document.getElementById("targetNode").cloneNode(true) // list of desired tags let tags = ["b", "i", "u", "s"] // replace tags with bb code style markup tags.forEach ( (tag) => { replaceTag(node,tag) }) // print the innerText to console (replacing bb code with html) console.log(node.innerText.replace(/\[([bius])\](.+?)\[\/\1\]/g,'<$1>$2</$1>')) }
 <div id="targetNode"><span>Span</span><b>BOLD</b><i>italic</i><s>strike</s></div> <div onclick="ex()">CLICK</div>


Not thoroughly tested, given a node and a list of desired tags, it should return something like innerText with the desired tags left in place (although it will not preserve any attributes associated with them)没有经过全面测试,给定一个节点和所需标签列表,它应该返回类似 innerText 的内容,并保留所需的标签(尽管它不会保留与它们关联的任何属性)

function getFilteredHTML(targetNode, tags = ["b", "i", "u", "s"]) {
    let node = targetNode.cloneNode(true)
    let expr = new RegExp("\\[("+tags.join("|")+")\\](.+?)\\[\\/\\1\\]","g")
    tags.forEach( (tag) => {
        let searchTag = node.querySelectorAll(tag)
        searchTag.forEach( (item) => { item.outerHTML = `[${tag}]${item.innerHTML}[/${tag}]` } )
    return node.innerText.replace(expr,'<$1>$2</$1>')

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