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编译 Jetty 嵌入式应用程序时出错:org.eclipse.jetty.server 从 jetty.servlet.api 和 jakarta.servlet 读取 package jakarta.servlet

[英]Error compilling Jetty embeded application : org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.servlet from both jetty.servlet.api and jakarta.servlet

I'm bulding an embeded Jetty application with Maven. jetty.version: 11.0.13 servlet-api.version: 5.0.0.我正在构建一个带有 Maven 的嵌入式 Jetty 应用程序。jetty.version:11.0.13 servlet-api.version:5.0.0。

It is a multi module project.这是一个多模块项目。

One maven module, named "utils", depends on jakarta.servlet-api for compilling (scope is provided).一个名为“utils”的 maven 模块依赖于 jakarta.servlet-api 进行编译(范围已提供)。 The java module requires jakarta.servlet. java 模块需要 jakarta.servlet。

// utils' pom.xml // 实用程序的 pom.xml


The maven "application" module adds the following dependencies and others. maven “应用程序”模块添加了以下依赖项和其他。

// application's pom.xml // 应用程序的 pom.xml




One of the other explicit dependency depends on the "utils" maven module.另一个显式依赖项之一取决于“utils”maven 模块。

The application's Java module contains:该应用程序的 Java 模块包含:

requires utils;
requires org.eclipse.jetty.http;
requires org.eclipse.jetty.server;
requires org.eclipse.jetty.servlet;

When I compile the application, all dependency modules compile OK but I get this error when compilling the last module (the application):当我编译应用程序时,所有依赖模块都编译正常,但在编译最后一个模块(应用程序)时出现此错误:

myapplication.BlaBla.java:[46,17] cannot access jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet class file for jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet not found myapplication.BlaBla.java:[46,17] 无法访问 jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet class 找不到 jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet 文件

If I add the following dependency:如果我添加以下依赖项:


and add the following line to my application's module:并将以下行添加到我的应用程序模块中:

requires jakarta.servlet;

My editor warns:我的编辑警告说:

Module 'application' reads package 'jakarta.servlet' from both 'jetty.servlet.api' and 'jakarta.servlet'模块“application”从“jetty.servlet.api”和“jakarta.servlet”中读取 package“jakarta.servlet”

And the build obviously fails with many error messages like:并且构建显然失败并出现许多错误消息,例如:

[ERROR] module org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.servlet from both jetty.servlet.api and jakarta.servlet [ERROR] module org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.servlet.http from both jetty.servlet.api and jakarta.servlet [ERROR] module org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.servlet.descriptor from both jetty.servlet.api and jakarta.servlet [ERROR] module org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.servlet.annotation from both jetty.servlet.api and jakarta.servlet [... [ERROR] module org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.servlet from both jetty.servlet.api and jakarta.servlet [ERROR] module org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.servlet.http from both jetty.servlet .api and jakarta.servlet [ERROR] module org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.servlet.descriptor from both jetty.servlet.api and jakarta.servlet [ERROR] module org.eclipse.jetty.server reads package jakarta.来自 jetty.servlet.api 和 jakarta.servlet 的 servlet.annotation [...

If I look at the jetty.servlet.api jar file, I see no package named jakarta.servlet.如果我查看 jetty.servlet.api jar 文件,我看不到名为 jakarta.servlet 的 package。

I did notice that "jetty-jakarta-servlet-api-5.0.2.jar" contains the jakarta.servlet classes but I don't know to use this in my build process.我确实注意到“jetty-jakarta-servlet-api-5.0.2.jar”包含 jakarta.servlet 类,但我不知道在我的构建过程中使用它。


Seems like you are trying to get JPMS working with Jetty 11.似乎您正在尝试让 JPMS 与 Jetty 11 一起工作。

The requires jakarta.servlet; requires jakarta.servlet; and the error about "module <blah> reads package <blah> from both <foo1> and <foo2>" tell me this.关于"module <blah> reads package <blah> from both <foo1> and <foo2>"的错误告诉我这个。

Here's what you need to know.这是您需要知道的。

The standard artifact for Jakarta Servlet 5.0.0 from Maven Central is... 来自 Maven Central 的 Jakarta Servlet 5.0.0的标准神器是...


This provides (in JPMS terms) the name jakarta.servlet这提供了(在 JPMS 术语中)名称jakarta.servlet

Look at the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in that file, you'll see the line查看该文件中的META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ,您会看到该行

Automatic-Module-Name: jakarta.servlet

This dependency (unfortunately) isn't really well designed for JPMS due to...由于...,这种依赖性(不幸的是)并不是为 JPMS 设计的。

  1. it lacks the proper module-info.class (this file is not present in the official dependency)它缺少正确的module-info.class (该文件不存在于官方依赖项中)
  2. it relies declaring the name jakarta.servlet as an automatic-module-name.它依赖于将名称jakarta.servlet声明为自动模块名称。 (basically reserving the name for later upgrade to a proper module-info.class ) (基本上保留名称以供以后升级到正确的module-info.class
  3. exports every package in the jar and does not provide JPMS opens calls导出jar中的每个package,不提供JPMS opens call
  4. missing schemas needed for proper Jakarta Servlet Container execution缺少正确执行 Jakarta Servlet 容器所需的模式

(BTW, the upcoming Jakarta Servlet 6.0 has fixed this). (顺便说一句,即将推出的 Jakarta Servlet 6.0 已经解决了这个问题)。

So why am I telling you this?那我为什么要告诉你这个?

Jetty was an early adopter of JPMS, and had to address some of the faults of Jakarta Servlet 5.0. Jetty 是 JPMS 的早期采用者,不得不解决 Jakarta Servlet 5.0 的一些缺陷。

One was the missing module-info.class , another was the missing schemas (not present in the official Jakarta Servlet 5.0)一个是缺少的module-info.class ,另一个是缺少的模式(官方 Jakarta Servlet 5.0 中不存在)

The replacement for jakarta.servlet (the JPMS module name) version 5.0 when running a Jetty Server is...运行 Jetty 服务器时jakarta.servlet (JPMS 模块名称)版本 5.0 的替代品是......


Use this when implementing a Jetty Server (like you are with your Embedded Jetty usage), and don't use the official dependency at all.在实现 Jetty 服务器时使用它(就像您使用嵌入式 Jetty 一样),并且根本不要使用官方依赖项。

The Jetty Jakarta Servlet API 5.0.2 has a module-info.class with the following declaration. Jetty Jakarta Servlet API 5.0.2 有一个module-info.class声明如下。

module jetty.servlet.api {
  exports jakarta.servlet;
  exports jakarta.servlet.annotation;
  exports jakarta.servlet.descriptor;
  exports jakarta.servlet.http;
  exports jakarta.servlet.resources;
  //open resources so Class.getResource() can access them
  opens jakarta.servlet.resources;

In the future, when you upgrade to Jetty 12 (currently in alpha releases), you can use the official jakarta.servlet dependency.将来,当您升级到 Jetty 12(目前处于 alpha 版本)时,您可以使用官方的jakarta.servlet依赖项。

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