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我不熟悉编码并尝试使用谷歌 api 创建一个 map。出于某种原因,我的 index.html 出现 5 个错误并且似乎无法修复

[英]I'm new to coding and trying to create a map using googles api. For some reason im getting 5 errors on my index.html and cant seem to fix

here's my code.这是我的代码。 I can see the errors but unsure what to do我可以看到错误,但不确定该怎么做

the errors say that their is not closing tags i might be blind but im pretty sure they all are there错误说他们没有关闭标签我可能是盲人但我很确定他们都在那里

The last script tag on your head tag should be: head 标签上的最后一个脚本标签应该是:

<script src="script.js"></script>


<script src="script.js"</script>

You're missing '>' on your script tag您的脚本标签上缺少“>”


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