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Kube.netes Elasticsearch 8.5.3 Statefulset(非ECK)设置用户名/密码

[英]Kubernetes Elasticsearch 8.5.3 Statefulset (not ECK) set up username / password

How to automatically setup the password of the default user elastic and add other username/password for Elasticsearch 8.5.3 running on kube.netes cluster with manifests?如何自动设置默认用户elastic的密码并为运行在带有清单的 kube.netes 集群上的 Elasticsearch 8.5.3 添加其他用户名/密码? I am not using ECK.我没有使用 ECK。 Setting environment variable ELASTIC_PASSWORD doesn't work.设置环境变量ELASTIC_PASSWORD不起作用。

As mentioned in the document :文档中所述:

The elasticsearch-setup-passwords tool is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. elasticsearch-setup-passwords工具已弃用,将在未来的版本中删除。

You can manually reset the password for the built-in users (including the elastic user), use the elasticsearch-reset-password tool , the Elasticsearch change password API, or the User Management features in Kibana.内置用户(包括elastic用户)可以手动重置密码,使用elasticsearch elasticsearch-reset-password tool ,Elasticsearch修改密码API,或者Kibana中的用户管理功能。 The elasticsearch-setup-passwords command sets the passwords for the built-in users. elasticsearch-setup-passwords 命令为内置用户设置密码。

bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto|interactive
[-b, --batch] [-h, --help] [-E <KeyValuePair>]
[-s, --silent] [-u, --url "<URL>"] [-v, --verbose]

When you install Elasticsearch, if the elastic user does not already have a password, it uses a default bootstrap password.当您安装 Elasticsearch 时,如果弹性用户还没有密码,它会使用默认的引导程序密码。 The bootstrap password is a transient password that enables you to run the tools that set all the built-in user passwords.引导密码是一个临时密码,使您能够运行设置所有内置用户密码的工具。

By default, the bootstrap password is derived from a randomized keystore.seed setting, which is added to the keystore during installation.默认情况下,引导密码源自随机的 keystore.seed 设置,该设置在安装期间添加到密钥库。 You do not need to know or change this bootstrap password.您不需要知道或更改此引导程序密码。 If you have defined a bootstrap.password setting in the keystore, however, that value is used instead.但是,如果您在密钥库中定义了 bootstrap.password 设置,则会使用该值。

Also,refer to this link for more information另外,请参阅此链接以获取更多信息

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