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Google JavaScript CAPTCHA处理

[英]Google JavaScript CAPTCHA handling

I am using Google API's to provide maps on a web page, however, Google frequently prompts for a CAPTCHA (I only know this from going into Firebug, users just get a JavaScript error) for requests for its javascript API's (eg http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?file=api&v=2&key=xxxx ). 我使用Google API在网页上提供地图,但是,Google经常提示输入CAPTCHA(我从Firebug中才知道这一点,用户只会遇到JavaScript错误)以请求对其JavaScript API(例如http:// maps.google.co.uk/maps?file=api&v=2&key=xxxx )。 However, this prevents visitors from our network (a very large (UK wide) WAN) using Google Maps etc from using these sites with it on. 但是,这将阻止使用Google Maps等来自我们网络(非常大(英国宽)的WAN)的访问者使用这些网站。 This is likely due to the fact the IP is shared by many people, so Google sees it as spam. 这可能是由于IP被许多人共享的事实所致,因此Google将其视为垃圾邮件。

I don't see any way of contacting Google about this, so was wondering if there is any way of intercepting these failing JavaScript requests since they return a 403 status code? 我没有任何联系Google的方法,因此想知道是否有任何方法可以拦截这些失败的JavaScript请求,因为它们返回了403状态代码? Perhaps by opening a new window, although that would not be user friendly (they will see the JavaScript after the CAPTCHA, so would be a cause of confusion and would need to refresh the page in question). 也许通过打开一个新窗口,尽管那不是用户友好的(他们将在CAPTCHA之后看到JavaScript,所以这会引起混乱,并且需要刷新有问题的页面)。

Make sure that you're using the right format in your request: 确保您在请求中使用了正确的格式:


I don't know if it matters whether you're linking to google.com or google.co.uk. 我不知道您是链接到google.com还是google.co.uk都无关紧要。

Update: You could try contacting Google here . 更新:您可以在此处尝试与Google联系。

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