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换行符 VS 分页符

[英]Line breaks VS Page Breaks

I am new to Visual Studio Code, but I understand writing code.我是 Visual Studio Code 的新手,但我了解编写代码。 I used to use Dreamweaver and it would break code up by page breaks (if the code went beyond your visible screen it would show you the rest of the code WITHOUT writing a new number).我曾经使用 Dreamweaver,它会通过分页符来分解代码(如果代码超出了您的可见屏幕,它会向您显示代码的 rest,而无需编写新数字)。 In Visual Studio Code I have to scroll very far to the right to see the end of the line.在 Visual Studio Code 中,我必须向右滚动很远才能看到行尾。

Perhaps it is poorly written code, but how do I see an line of code without having to scroll?或许是代码写的不好,但是我怎么不用滚动就能看到一行代码呢?


I cannot figure it out.... help我无法弄清楚....帮助

In Visual Studio Code, you can use the "Word Wrap" feature to automatically wrap lines of code that are too long to fit on the screen.在 Visual Studio Code 中,您可以使用“自动换行”功能自动换行太长而无法显示在屏幕上的代码行。

view/word wrap or alt+Z is a default key查看/自动换行或 alt+Z 是默认键

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