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将 ConsumerRecord 映射到 Element - XML 的 JsonFactory 和 ObjectMapper 是什么?

[英]Mapping ConsumerRecord to Element - What are JsonFactory and ObjectMapper equivalent for XML?

I have a function that takes in kafka ConsumerRecords<Object, Object> records and what I need to do is make an Element object out of each record.我有一个 function 接受 kafka ConsumerRecords<Object, Object> 记录,我需要做的是从每条记录中创建一个 Element object。

Below is how it works for the Json implementation where I create a JsonNode object for each record.下面是 Json 实现的工作原理,我为每条记录创建了一个 JsonNode object。

for (ConsumerRecord<Object, Object> record: records) {
   KafkaMessage kafkaMsgVal = (KafkaMessage) record.value();
   String rawJson = kafkaMsgVal.getMsgValue();
   JsonNode jsonNode = null;
   try {
     JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();
     ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(factory);
     jsonNode = mapper.readTree(rawJson);

I would like to do the same thing as above but for XML. So instead of JsonNode, I believe I have to use Element, or Document and then use the document.getRootElement().我想做与上面相同的事情,但对于 XML。所以我相信我必须使用 Element 或 Document 而不是 JsonNode,然后使用 document.getRootElement()。 What is the best way to do this?做这个的最好方式是什么? As you can see above, I was able to simply use JsonFactory and Object mapper to convert the record into a JsonNode, what would be the equivalent for XML?正如您在上面看到的,我能够简单地使用 JsonFactory 和 Object 映射器将记录转换为 JsonNode,那么 XML 的等价物是什么?

Below is the idea for what I'm going for:以下是我要做什么的想法:

for (ConsumerRecord<Object, Object> record: records) {
   KafkaMessage kafkaMsgVal = (KafkaMessage) record.value();
   String rawXml = kafkaMsgVal.getMsgValue();
   Element element = null;
   try {
     //What to do here to convert the rawXml into an Element or Document object? 

You can use XmlMapper pretty much the same way you have been using `ObjectMapper.您可以像使用“ObjectMapper”一样使用XmlMapper Here is a sample code that I tested with:这是我测试过的示例代码:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
    String myXML = "<cookies>" + 
                        "<cookie><type>Chocolate</type><price>5.0</price></cookie> " + 
                        "<cookie><type>Sugar</type><price>5.0</price></cookie>" + 
    try {
        // Note that the readTree method returns a `JsonNode` result
        JsonNode root = xmlMapper.readTree(myXML);
    } catch (IOException e) {

This produces the below output:这会产生以下 output:


EDIT: Adding the Maven co-ordinates for the dependency that I used, just in case编辑:为我使用的依赖项添加 Maven 坐标,以防万一


To get a 'Document' from the string you can do something like this:要从字符串中获取“文档”,您可以执行以下操作:

    StringReader strReader = new StringReader(myXML);
    InputSource inSource = new InputSource(strReader);
    // Get a DocumentBuilder instance
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = 
    // Parse String to Document
    Document doc = docBuilder.parse(inSource);
    // Printing the 'document' element name


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