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“预期信号是 AbortSignal 的实例?使用 Jest Fetch Mock

[英]"Expected signal to be an instanceof AbortSignal? with Jest Fetch Mock

I am testing an rtk query mutation api call.我正在测试 rtk 查询突变 api 调用。 I'm trying to match the mock result to a successful api call but I always get an error: 'Expected signal to be an instanceof AbortSignal'.我试图将模拟结果与成功的 api 调用相匹配,但我总是收到错误消息:“预期信号是 AbortSignal 的实例”。 I understand that this may be a side effect of jest-fetch-mock but am not sure how to convert the input(?) into a typeof AbortSignal.我知道这可能是 jest-fetch-mock 的副作用,但我不确定如何将输入(?)转换为 typeof AbortSignal。

test('successful response', async () => {
    const wrapper = ({children}) => {
      const storeRef = setupApiStore(testApi);
      return <Provider store={storeRef.store}>{children}</Provider>;
    const classState = {
      statusCodes: 200,
      message: 'Success',
      details: {
        overallPresent: 3,
        overallTotal: 10,
        classStrength: [
          {className: 'class 1', present: 3, total: 3},
          {className: 'class 2', present: 0, total: 7},
    const body = {
      schoolName: 'school 1',
      className: 'class 1',

    const {result, waitForNextUpdate} = renderHook(
      () => useClassMutation(),

    const [students, initialResponse] = result.current;

    act(() => {

    await waitForNextUpdate({timeout: 500});

    const loadedResponse = result.current;
    console.log('loadedResponse: ', loadedResponse);

    expect(loadedResponse).toEqual(paradeState); //error: 'Expected signal to be an instanceof AbortSignal'

This is not an RTK Query error - it's an error from the fetch polyfill you are using.这不是 RTK 查询错误 - 这是您使用的fetch polyfill 的错误。

RTK Query is passing an AbortSignal into that fetch call - and then that fetch polyfill complains that AbortSignal is something incompatible. RTK 查询将AbortSignal传递到该fetch调用中 - 然后fetch polyfill 抱怨AbortSignal是不兼容的。

=> if you polyfill global.fetch , you also have to polyfill global.AbortController with a compatible implementation. => 如果你global.fetch ,你还必须使用兼容的实现来global.AbortController

How you do that is very different for each implementation of fetch , so you'll have to research that - but I hope this gives you a direction.对于fetch的每个实现,你如何做到这一点是非常不同的,所以你必须研究它 - 但我希望这能给你一个方向。

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