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如果从命令行调用与从脚本运行,Linux 上的 Wget 保存文件的方式不同

[英]Wget on Linux saves files differently if called from the command line vs running from a script

I use wget to download a file to my server.我使用 wget 将文件下载到我的服务器。

When I paste this in the terminal command line: wget 'https://www.example.com/export/komatsu/komatsu_export.php?pass=Kowa444m11008&date=month' -O /root/workingdir/KOWA_SampleResult_ZAF_ date +"%Y%m%d" .csv当我将其粘贴到终端命令行时:wget 'https://www.example.com/export/komatsu/komatsu_export.php?pass=Kowa444m11008&date=month' -O /root/workingdir/KOWA_SampleResult_ZAF_ date +"%Y%m%d" .csv

it saves the file as KOWA_SampleResult_ZAF_20221215.csv它将文件保存为 KOWA_SampleResult_ZAF_20221215.csv

But when I paste the same line into a.sh file and run the file eg sh kowa_automate.sh但是当我将同一行粘贴到 a.sh 文件并运行文件时,例如 sh kowa_automate.sh

it saves the file as 'KOWA_SampleResult_ZAF_20221215.csv'$'\r'它将文件保存为 'KOWA_SampleResult_ZAF_20221215.csv'$'\r'

Why the discrepancy with the extra symbols: ' '$'\r'为什么与额外符号不一致:' '$'\r'


I tried running the script bash kowa_automate.sh.我尝试运行脚本 bash kowa_automate.sh。

The issue was that Linux interprets Windows created text files differently.问题是 Linux 对 Windows 创建的文本文件的解释不同。 Windows new lines include CR LF, whereas Linux only uses LF. Windows 新行包括 CR LF,而 Linux 仅使用 LF。 Hence the \r.因此\r。

If in a text editor such as notepad++ on windows;如果在 windows 上的记事本++等文本编辑器中; you must use the EOL conversion to Unix.您必须使用 EOL 转换为 Unix。

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