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使用 with 子句时出错我收到消息“语法错误:预期的关键字 AS 但在 [7:14] 得到了“(”

[英]Error using the with clause I received message " Syntax error: Expected keyword AS but got "(" at [7:14]"

I am having an issue locating the error in my code我在查找代码中的错误时遇到问题

I am practicing the WITH CLAUSE IN Big Query and I am trying to create two temporary tables to eventually join我正在练习 WITH CLAUSE IN Big Query 并且我正在尝试创建两个临时表以最终加入

  1. first table would for the sum total sales from all the stores (grouping by storeid)第一张表是所有商店的总销售额(按 storeid 分组)
  2. second table would be to get the average of those sum total stores第二张表是获取这些总商店的平均值
  3. the main query would be to find which stores are greater than the average sum total store主要查询是查找哪些商店大于商店的平均总和

here is what I was able to code:这是我能够编写的代码:

WITH Total_sales as 
    (SELECT s.storeid,
            sum(Unitprice)as sum_sale 
            FROM `g-mail-1234.SALES.sales_info` as s
            GROUP BY storeid),

    AVG_Sale (average_s_sales) as
    (SELECT ROUND(avg(sum_sale),2) as average_s_sales 
      FROM total_sales)

    SELECT * FROM total_sales as ts
    JOIN avg_sale as av
    ON ts.sum_sale > av.average_s_sale

but when I run the code I get a message: Syntax error: Expected keyword AS but got "(" at [7:14]但是当我运行代码时,我收到一条消息:语法错误:预期的关键字 AS 但在 [7:14] 处得到“(”

what I would like to know is:我想知道的是:

  1. Where is the error?错误在哪里?
  2. In the future in BigQuery the 'at [7:14]' is this trying to tell me the line the error code is on?将来在 BigQuery 中,“at [7:14]”是否试图告诉我错误代码所在的行? because it is on neither line 7 or line 14因为它既不在第 7 行也不在第 14 行

I don't believe BQ CTE syntax allows you to list the columns that the CTE will return.我不相信 BQ CTE 语法允许您列出 CTE 将返回的列。 So this line:所以这一行:

    AVG_Sale (average_s_sales) as

should just be:应该只是:

    AVG_Sale as


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