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Bitbuckets Pipelines 创建一个具有并行步骤的步骤

[英]Bitbuckets Pipelines create a step with parallel steps

I want to have one step, that will setup everything and then in parallel run other steps.我想要一个步骤,它将设置所有内容,然后并行运行其他步骤。 Currently I have something like this:目前我有这样的事情:

image: python:3.9.16-alpine

    - step:
          - self.hosted
          - regressiontests
        name: First Step
          enabled: false
          - pip
          - apk add git
          - apk add openssh-client
          - git clone myrepository.git
          - pip install -r myrepository/requirements.txt
          - echo $ENV_FILE | base64 -d -i > myrepository/.env
          - myrepository/**
    - step:
          - self.hosted
          - regressiontests
        name: Second Step
          enabled: false
          - pip
            - cd myrepository
            - pip install -r requirements.txt
          - step:
              name: Step 2.1
                - python fancy command 1
          - step:
              name: Step 2.2
                - python fancy command 2
          - step:
              name: Step 2.3
                - python fancy command 3
          - step:
              name: Step 2.4
                - python fancy command 4

But the only steps that I see is First Step and Second Step none of parallel steps is executed in pipelines但是我看到的唯一步骤是第一步和第二步没有并行步骤在管道中执行在此处输入图像描述

  1. That's not the correct syntax for parallel steps.这不是并行步骤的正确语法。 Checkout https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/set-up-or-run-parallel-steps/结帐https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/set-up-or-run-parallel-steps/
image: python:3.9.16-alpine

    - step:
        name: First Step
        script: []
    - step:
        name: Second Step
        script: []
    - parallel:
      - step:
          name: Step 3.1
          script: []
      - step:
          name: Step 3.2
          script: []
      # ...

This what I think you are trying to achieve这就是我认为你正在努力实现的目标


  1. Each step script happens in a new pristine docker container, so any setup must happen in the same script where the software will be used.每个步骤脚本都发生在一个新的原始 docker 容器中,因此任何设置都必须发生在将使用该软件的同一脚本中。

Therefore I am afraid your whole effort to speed up your steps setup is futile.因此,恐怕您为加快步骤设置所做的全部努力都是徒劳的。

Instead, you'd like to tune your caches.相反,您想调整缓存。 For python you may want to cache both ~/.cache/pip and a virtualenv so that pip install -r... instructions are sped up.对于 python,您可能希望同时缓存~/.cache/pip和 virtualenv,以便加快pip install -r...指令的速度。

Plus, I have a feeling that bitbucket artifacts are quite slow so I'd expect disabling the repository clone in every step to be actually slower.另外,我觉得 bitbucket 工件非常慢,所以我希望在每个步骤中禁用存储库克隆实际上会更慢。 I'd use a shallow clone instead with我会使用浅克隆代替

  depth: 1

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