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[英]Recommendation system for news articles

I am trying to create an recommendation system for similar articles.我正在尝试为类似文章创建推荐系统。 I do have a list of articles as reference and I want other new articles that I acquire from a certain API needs to be similar to those reference articles.我确实有一个文章列表作为参考,我希望我从某个 API 获得的其他新文章需要与这些参考文章相似。

One way I could is just merge all of those reference article into one big article and run cosine similarity and get list of articles that are similar to to merged reference articles.我可以采用的一种方法是将所有这些参考文章合并为一篇大文章并运行余弦相似度并获取与合并参考文章相似的文章列表。 Is there any other way I could implement cosine similarity?还有其他方法可以实现余弦相似度吗?


Have you looked into an NLP technique called Topic Modelling?您是否研究过称为主题建模的 NLP 技术? This following notebook from priya-dwivedi uses LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation):以下来自 priya-dwivedi 的笔记本使用 LDA(潜在狄利克雷分配):

https://github.com/priya-dwivedi/Deep-Learning/blob/master/topic_modeling/LDA_Newsgroup.ipynb https://github.com/priya-dwivedi/Deep-Learning/blob/master/topic_modeling/LDA_Newsgroup.ipynb

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