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[英]How to extract data value that is nested inside an array

I am just trying to figure out why when trying to grab a value through the dot notation, it is giving me undefined error.我只是想弄清楚为什么在尝试通过点表示法获取值时,它会给我未定义的错误。 Please see below for what I mean.请看下面我的意思。

I am trying to extract the value from the nested object in the headline color array:我正在尝试从标题颜色数组中的嵌套对象中提取值:

If we can assume that el.selectgroup1 is equal to some string value "[{name: 'Off White', value: 'off-white'}]" .如果我们可以假设el.selectgroup1等于某个字符串值"[{name: 'Off White', value: 'off-white'}]" then we can deduce that el.selectgroup1[0] is equal to "[" .那么我们可以推断出el.selectgroup1[0]等于"[" which would not be valid JSON within JSON.parse("[") .这在JSON.parse("[")中不是有效的 JSON。

Try something like JSON.parse(el.selectgroup1)[0].value尝试像JSON.parse(el.selectgroup1)[0].value这样的东西

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