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.NET MAUI 7 - 在代码隐藏中无法访问 SwipeView

[英].NET MAUI 7 - SwipeView inaccessible in code-behind

The SwipeView is in a CollectionView, that is accessible via its x:Name attribute. SwipeView 位于 CollectionView 中,可通过其 x:Name 属性访问。 But I cannot access the SwipeView via its x:Name:但我无法通过其 x:Name 访问 SwipeView:

<SwipeView x:Name="swipe">
        <SwipeItems >
            <SwipeItem />
    <Label Text="SomeText"/>

When I try to do 'swipe.IsEnabled' in the code behind, it displays "The name 'swipe' doesn't exist in the current context."当我尝试在后面的代码中执行“swipe.IsEnabled”时,它显示“当前上下文中不存在名称‘swipe’。”

Just as Jason suggested, you can use data binding to set the IsEnabled of the SwipeView like below and then control the property in your ViewModel or Code-behind.正如 Jason 所建议的,您可以使用数据绑定来设置SwipeViewIsEnabled ,如下所示,然后控制ViewModel或代码隐藏中的属性。

<SwipeView IsEnabled="{Binding IsSwipeViewEnabled}">
        <SwipeItems >
            <SwipeItem />

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