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[英]Service Choices for Managing Course Content in E-Learning System (Architecture)

I am facing a system architecture problem.我正面临系统架构问题。

We are trying to build an e-learning system (where content eg text, video, audio, can be edited/added/reordered).我们正在尝试构建一个电子学习系统(可以编辑/添加/重新排序文本、视频、音频等内容)。 No need to distinguish different teachers (all content is managed by a company, not individual persons) as this is a 2C app.无需区分不同的老师(所有内容由公司管理,而非个人管理),因为这是一个 2C 应用程序。

I am trying to do the architecture part.我正在尝试做架构部分。 To manage the content, currently starting to looking some CMS system, eg contentful, strapi, prismic, etc.为了管理内容,目前开始寻找一些CMS系统,例如contentful、strapi、prismic等。

Is there any better architecture choice for the learning content management?学习内容管理有没有更好的架构选择? Maybe particularly oriented to this area?也许特别面向这个领域? Would also consider any CMS or LMS if anybody can share your thought.如果有人可以分享您的想法,也会考虑任何 CMS 或 LMS。

Much appreciate.非常感谢。

The big three LMS packages:三大 LMS 软件包:

If your goal is to provide learning modules use SCORM .如果您的目标是提供学习模块,请使用SCORM

As an open standard, SCORM modules can be imported into any compatible LMS system and allows for grades to be returned to the host LMS.作为一个开放标准,SCORM 模块可以导入任何兼容的 LMS 系统,并允许将成绩返回到主机 LMS。

If your goal is strictly read-only, with regard to users, ie no grades or completion notifications, any CMS will fulfill this goal.如果您的目标对于用户而言是严格只读的,即没有成绩或完成通知,则任何 CMS 都可以实现此目标。

If you want an out-of-the box solution, that you can modify to your needs, you should check out the LearnPress plugin for WordPress with the Eduma theme.如果您想要一个开箱即用的解决方案,您可以根据自己的需要进行修改,您应该查看带有Eduma主题的 WordPress 的LearnPress插件。 You will get a very sophisticated platform to host and create online courses.您将获得一个非常复杂的平台来托管和创建在线课程。

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