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Nifi 1.19.1 中缺少 Hive 处理器

[英]Missing Hive Processors In Nifi 1.19.1

I downloaded the latest Nifi version.我下载了最新的 Nifi 版本。 i was able to connect nifi to an oracle database and it works fine.我能够将 nifi 连接到 oracle 数据库并且工作正常。 However, i need to connect nifi to hive, my problem is i cant find any processors related to hive.但是,我需要将 nifi 连接到配置单元,我的问题是我找不到任何与配置单元相关的处理器。 There is no SelectHiveQL processor and no PutHiveQL processor or any processor related to hive at all.没有 SelectHiveQL 处理器,也没有 PutHiveQL 处理器或任何与 hive 相关的处理器。 not even the controller services for hive is found.甚至找不到配置单元的控制器服务。



Am I doing anything wrong?我做错了什么吗? I just need to connect Nifi to hive and i can't find the processors responsible for this.我只需要将 Nifi 连接到配置单元,但找不到负责此操作的处理器。

Please help.请帮忙。

Thanks in advance提前致谢

Check a Developer Guide查看开发人员指南

Apache Hive 1.1 Bundle include-hive1_1 Adds support for Apache Hive 1.1.X Apache Hive 1.1 Bundle include-hive1_1添加对 Apache Hive 1.1.X 的支持

Apache Hive 3 Bundle include-hive3 Adds support for Apache Hive 3.X Apache Hive 3 Bundle include-hive3添加对 Apache Hive 3.X 的支持

The following command is used to generate a standard binary distribution of Apache NiFi: mvn clean install -Pinclude-grpc,contrib-check以下命令用于生成 Apache NiFi 的标准二进制分发版: mvn clean install -Pinclude-grpc,contrib-check

You should build NiFi: mvn clean install -Pinclude-hive3,include-hive1_1您应该构建 NiFi: mvn clean install -Pinclude-hive3,include-hive1_1

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