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通过 StringWriter 写入 MemoryStream 会将空字符添加到流中

[英]Writing to a MemoryStream via a StringWriter adds null characters to stream

I have some code in C# where I am trying to write to a MemoryStream via a StringWriter example code:我在 C# 中有一些代码,我试图通过 StringWriter 示例代码写入 MemoryStream:

using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
  using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter())
    writer.WriteLine("\t[A Table] T");
    writer.WriteLine($"\tT.[Data Field] IN ({data})");

  return new MemoryStream(stream.GetBuffer());

When I inspect the contents of stream I see that the .NET Framework has added extra 0 bytes to the end of the buffer to take it up to 256 bytes.当我检查stream的内容时,我看到 .NET Framework 已将额外的0字节添加到缓冲区的末尾以使其达到 256 字节。 I can not find anything in the MSDN help and it is puzzling.我在 MSDN 帮助中找不到任何内容,这令人费解。

To work around this (using the above example) I did the following:要解决此问题(使用上面的示例),我执行了以下操作:

string crlf = Environment.NewLine;

string value = $"SELECT{crlf}";
value += $"\tT.*{crlf}";
value += $"FROM{crlf}";
value += $"\t[A Table] T{crlf}";
value += $"WHERE{crlf}";
value += $"\tT.[Data Field] IN ({data})";

return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value));

I would rather use a stream writer than to build up a string and then call Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value)我宁愿使用流编写器也不愿构建字符串然后调用Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value)

I have tried using a StringBuilder as an intermediary step but it still adds the extra characters to the end.我曾尝试使用 StringBuilder 作为中间步骤,但它仍然会在末尾添加额外的字符。

You're calling stream.GetBuffer() , which returns the underlying buffer the stream writes to - which is almost always larger than the stream.您正在调用stream.GetBuffer() ,它返回流写入的底层缓冲区——它几乎总是比流大。 The buffer is expanded automatically when a write would go past the end of it.当写入超过它的末尾时,缓冲区会自动扩展。

You can either use stream.GetBuffer() but also take the stream length into account, and effectively ignore any bytes past that - or call stream.ToArray() instead to get a copy of just the valid data as a new byte array.您可以使用stream.GetBuffer()也可以考虑流长度,并有效地忽略超过该长度的任何字节 - 或者调用stream.ToArray()而不是仅获取有效数据的副本作为新字节数组。

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