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log4j-slf4j2-impl 不包含 log4j-core,这是故意的吗?

[英]log4j-slf4j2-impl does not include log4j-core, is this intentional?

I noticed that log4j-core has different dependency scope in the two slf4j-impl libraries.我注意到log4j-core在两个slf4j-impl库中有不同的依赖范围。

Is this by design?这是设计使然吗?

log4j-core scope log4j-core scope
log4j-slf4j-impl runtime 运行
log4j-slf4j2-impl test 测试

Looks like it was changed with this commit , which references LOG4J2-2975 .看起来它已随此提交更改,它引用了 LOG4J2-2975 I don't see anything that mentions why the scope was changed from runtime to test .我没有看到任何提及scoperuntime更改为test的内容。

Yes, removing the runtime dependency on log4j-core was intentional, since the log4j-slf4j2-impl module works with any implementation of the Log4j2 API.是的,删除对log4j-core的运行时依赖是有意的,因为log4j-slf4j2-impl模块适用于 Log4j2 API 的任何实现。

Since version 2.17.2 at least two implementations can be used with the SLF4J-to-LOG4J2 bridge: log4j-core and log4j-to-jul (the third implementation maintained by the Log4j2 project, log4j-to-slf4j , can not be used for obvious reasons).自版本 2.17.2 起,至少有两个实现可以与 SLF4J-to-LOG4J2 桥接一起使用: log4j-corelog4j-to-jul (Log4j2 项目维护的第三个实现log4j-to-slf4j不能使用出于显而易见的原因)。

This choice was not undisputed: cf.这个选择不是没有争议的:cf。 LOG4J2 3601 for a discussion. LOG4J2 3601进行讨论。

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