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使用nopCommerce v3.50,想集成Stripe插件

[英]Using nopCommerce v3.50, and want to integrate Stripe plugin

When looking to integrate Stripe payment gateway into nopCommerce application, is version compatibility an issue?在寻求将 Stripe 支付网关集成到 nopCommerce 应用程序中时,版本兼容性是一个问题吗? The nopCommerce I am working on is version 3.50, and I have found stripe plugins for uptill version 3.40 and 3.8.我正在使用的 nopCommerce 是 3.50 版,我发现了 uptill 3.40 和 3.8 版的条纹插件。

On searching further, found for version 2.8 but still not for 3.50.在进一步搜索时,找到了 2.8 版,但仍然没有找到 3.50 版。 I know this version is pretty old.. but any help/advice is appreciated.我知道这个版本很旧..但是任何帮助/建议都是值得赞赏的。 Thanks.谢谢。

When using or installing plugins, nopCommerce requires matching the plugin's supported version to match the nopCommerce version.使用或安装插件时,nopCommerce 需要匹配插件支持的版本以匹配nopCommerce 版本。 So if you want to install a plugin in nopCommerce 3.50 that plugin must have the SupportedVersions of 3.50.因此,如果您想在 nopCommerce 3.50 中安装插件,该插件的支持版本必须为 3.50。

If you have the Stripe payment plugin version for nopCommerce 3.40 you should be able to use that for nopCommerce 3.50 by editing and updating the Description.txt file.如果您有适用于 nopCommerce 3.40 的 Stripe 支付插件版本,您应该能够通过编辑和更新Description.txt文件将其用于 nopCommerce 3.50。 NopCommerce doesn't usually change much internally in minor releases. NopCommerce 通常不会在次要版本中进行太多内部更改。 You can find the Description.txt file in the plugin's root folder.您可以在插件的根文件夹中找到Description.txt文件。 Open the file, change SupportedVersions from 3.40 to 3.50 and you should be good to use it.打开文件,将SupportedVersions从 3.40 更改为 3.50,您应该可以正常使用它。

Just to be on the safer side please keep in mind that, if the plugin doesn't work properly after updating the Description file, you may need to look for any nuget packages which the plugin is referencing that also needs update.为了安全起见,请记住,如果插件在更新描述文件后无法正常工作,您可能需要查找插件引用的任何 nuget 包,这些包也需要更新。 Also from September 2019, a new regulation called Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requires businesses in Europe to request additional authentication for online payments.同样从 2019 年 9 月开始,一项名为强客户身份验证 (SCA) 的新法规要求欧洲的企业要求对在线支付进行额外的身份验证。 In this case you may have to implement additional functionalities in your plugin.在这种情况下,您可能必须在插件中实现额外的功能。

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