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[英]Invalid hook call

I am tring to create a video streaming app, and I got an error logging: "Invalid hook call" when i set "{ ready, tracks } = useMicrophoneAndCameraTracks();"我正在尝试创建一个视频流应用程序,但我收到错误记录:当我设置“{ ready, tracks } = useMicrophoneAndCameraTracks();”时出现“Invalid hook call” and client = useClient();和客户端 = useClient();

I tried not calling the hook useMicrophoneAndCameraTracks and useClient, the error wasn't there but the video won't stream.我尝试不调用钩子 useMicrophoneAndCameraTracks 和 useClient,错误不存在,但视频不会流式传输。 Here is my code这是我的代码


import { createClient, createMicrophoneAndCameraTracks } from "agora-rtc-react";  

const appId = "d13f5075f00d417092285bc8a52f17f2";  
const token = "007eJxTYOjZ/X7lClbPsGXOv7vW/egUYDx+N+WSl9Bzddlf2fyLD5orMKQYGqeZGpibphkYpJgYmhtYGhlZmCYlWySaGqUZmqcZKT+bk9wQyMiwSdaKkZEBAkF8FobcxMw8BgYAbJIfFw=="  

export const config = { mode: "rtc", codec: "vp8", appId: appId, token: token };  
export const useClient = createClient(config);  
export const useMicrophoneAndCameraTracks = createMicrophoneAndCameraTracks();  
export const channelName = "main";  

VideoCall.js VideoCall.js

import { useState, useEffect } from "react";  
import {  
} from "./settings.js";  
import { Grid } from "@material-ui/core";  
import Video from "./Video";  
import Controls from "./Controls";  

export default function VideoCall(props) {  
  const { setInCall } = props;  
  const [users, setUsers] = useState([]);  
  const [start, setStart] = useState(false);  
  const client = useClient();  
  const { ready, tracks } = useMicrophoneAndCameraTracks();  

  useEffect(() => {  
    let init = async (name) => {  
      client.on("user-published", async (user, mediaType) => {  
        await client.subscribe(user, mediaType);  
        if (mediaType === "video") {  
          setUsers((prevUsers) => {  
            return [...prevUsers, user];  
        if (mediaType === "audio") {  

      client.on("user-unpublished", (user, mediaType) => {  
        if (mediaType === "audio") {  
          if (user.audioTrack) user.audioTrack.stop();  
        if (mediaType === "video") {  
          setUsers((prevUsers) => {  
            return prevUsers.filter((User) => User.uid !== user.uid);  

      client.on("user-left", (user) => {  
        setUsers((prevUsers) => {  
          return prevUsers.filter((User) => User.uid !== user.uid);  

      try {  
        await client.join(config.appId, name, config.token, null);  
      } catch (error) {  

      if (tracks) await client.publish([tracks[0], tracks[1]]);  

    if (ready && tracks) {  
      try {  
      } catch (error) {  
  }, [channelName, client, ready, tracks]);  
  return (  
    <Grid container direction="column" style={{ height: "100%" }}>  
      <Grid item style={{ height: "5%" }}>  
        {ready && tracks && (  
          <Controls tracks={tracks} setStart={setStart} setInCall={setInCall} />  
      <Grid item style={{ height: "95%" }}>  
        {start && tracks && <Video tracks={tracks} users={users} />}  


import { useState } from "react";  
import { Button } from "@material-ui/core";  
import VideoCall from "./VideoCall";  

function App() {  
  const [inCall, setInCall] = useState(false);  

  return (  
    <div className="App" style={{ height: "100%" }}>  
      {inCall ? (  
        <VideoCall setInCall={setInCall} />  
      ) : (  
          onClick={() => setInCall(true)}  
          Join Call  
export default App;  


import { useState } from 'react';    
import { useClient } from './settings';  
import { Grid, Button } from '@material-ui/core';  
import MicIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Mic';  
import MicOffIcon from '@material-ui/icons/MicOff';  
import VideocamIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Videocam';  
import VideocamOffIcon from '@material-ui/icons/VideocamOff';  
import ExitToAppIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ExitToApp';  
export default function Controls(props) {  
   const client = useClient();  
   const {tracks, setStart, setInCall} = props;  
   const [trackState, setTrackState] = useState({video: true, audio:   true});  
   const mute = async(type)=> {  
      if(type === "audio") {  
         await tracks[0].setEnabled(!trackState.audio);  
         setTrackState((ps) => {  
            return {...ps, audio: !ps.audio}  
      else if(type === "video") {  
         await tracks[1].setEnabled(!trackState.video);  
         setTrackState((ps) => {  
            return {...ps, video: !ps.video}  
   const leaveChannel = async() => {  
      await client.leave();  
   return (  
      <Grid container spacing={2} alignItems='center'>  
         <Grid item>  
            <Button variant="contained" color={trackState.audio ?   "primary" : "secondary"} onclick={() => mute("audio")}>  
            {trackState.audio ? <MicIcon/> : <MicOffIcon/>}  
         <Grid item>  
         <Button variant="contained" color={trackState.video ?   "primary" : "secondary"} onclick={() => mute("video")}>  
            {trackState.video ? <VideocamIcon/> : <VideocamOffIcon/>}  
         <Grid item>  
         <Button variant="contained" color="default" onclick={() =>   leaveChannel()}>  
            Leave <ExitToAppIcon/>  


import { AgoraVideoPlayer } from "agora-rtc-react";  
import { Grid } from "@material-ui/core";  
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";  
export default function Video(props) {  
  const { users, tracks } = props;  
  const [gridSpacing, setGridSpacing] = useState(12);  
  useEffect(() => {  
    setGridSpacing(Math.max(Math.floor(12 / (users.length + 1)), 4));  
  }, [users, tracks]);  
  return (  
    <Grid container style={{ height: "100%" }}>  
      <Grid item xs={gridSpacing}>  
          style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%" }}  
      {users.length > 0 &&  
        users.map((user) => {  
          if (user.videoTrack) {  
            return (  
              <Grid item xs={gridSpacing}>  
                  style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%" }}  
          } else return null;  

Without more detailed code, we can't help you.没有更详细的代码,我们帮不了你。 You probably broke a rule regarding react hooks.您可能违反了关于 React Hooks 的规则。

The official docs state the following:官方文档说明如下:

There are three common reasons you might be seeing it:您可能会看到它的三个常见原因:

  1. You might have mismatching versions of React and React DOM.您的 React 和 React DOM 版本可能不匹配。
  2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks.你可能违反了 Hooks 规则。
  3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app.你可能在同一个应用程序中有多个 React 副本。

Read more about it here: https://reactjs.org/warnings/invalid-hook-call-warning.html在这里阅读更多相关信息: https ://reactjs.org/warnings/invalid-hook-call-warning.html

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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