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Firebase 规则——无法访问我的收藏

[英]Firebase rules -- can't access my collection

My firestore rule for a collection in my database looks like this我的数据库中集合的 Firestore 规则如下所示

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /user_data/{accountId}/nfts {
       allow read: if request.auth.token.email[0:42].lower() == acountId.lower();
       //allow read : if true;
       allow write: if false;

In my request, path is defined:在我的请求中,路径被定义为:

path = "/user_data/0x59f5b98d5b5fc01c8ae10238b93618053e62be20/nfts"

This is the correct path of the collection.这才是收藏的正确路径。

The email address of the requested firebase user is请求的 firebase 用户的电子邮件地址是

0x59f5b98d5b5fc01c8ae10238b93618053e62be20@mysite.com <-- 42 chars before @ ---> 0x59f5b98d5b5fc01c8ae10238b93618053e62be20@mysite.com <-- @ 之前的 42 个字符 --->

when I attempt a read using:当我尝试阅读时:

  let snap = db.collection(path).valueChanges() 
  let val = await firstValueFrom(snap);

I keep getting permission denied.我一直被拒绝许可。 It seems clear that is some problem with the allow read because if change it to allow read: if true;很明显, allow read存在一些问题,因为如果将其更改为allow read: if true; I get back the all the documents in the collection.我取回了集合中的所有文档。

I can'tseem to determine what is wrong with with the allow read statement.我似乎无法确定allow read语句有什么问题。

You can expand the circle你可以扩大圈子

  allow get: if true;
  allow list: if request.auth != null;
  allow create: if true;
  allow update: if true;
  allow delete: if false

You can control through the existing sections you have with a request uid or email您可以通过请求 uid 或电子邮件控制您拥有的现有部分

allow get: if request.auth.= null && request.auth.email == resource.data;{"Here use ur doc name example email"};允许获取:if request.auth.= null && request.auth.email == resource.data;{"Here use ur doc name example email"};

request.auth.uid == resource.data.uid Or; request.auth.uid == resource.data.uid 或;

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