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IPython:音频:连接列表以添加和弦会导致一个和弦而不是几个一个一个地演奏:`+=` vs `append`

[英]IPython: Audio: concating list to add chords results in one single chord not several played one-by-one: `+=` vs `append`

I am completetly new to IPython hence I am sorry in case this is totally obvious:我是 IPython 的新手,如果这很明显,我很抱歉:

import IPython.display as ipd
import scipy
from scipy import signal as sp
import math
import numpy as np

I defined two functions which should help me generate chords:我定义了两个函数来帮助我生成和弦:

def f_k(f_0, k):
    return f_0*2**((k%12)/12)

def h_k(k, f0, t):
    return math.sin(2*math.pi*f_k(f0, k)*t)

F = 44000
T = 2
f0 = 440
N = F*T

I define H0 :我定义H0

H0 = []
for k in [0,4,7]:
    H0.append([h_k(k, f0, t) for t in np.linspace(0, T, N)])
ipd.Audio(H0, rate=F)

and it plays 2 seconds as expected because of the discretization through linspace.由于通过 linspace 离散化,它按预期播放了 2 秒。

I defined a few several chords and I wanted to concat the lists to get several chords (I expected the sound to be 8 secs long)我定义了几个和弦,我想连接列表以获得几个和弦(我希望声音长 8 秒)

H5 = []
for k in [5,9,12]:
    H5.append([h_k(k, f0, t) for t in np.linspace(0, T, N)])

H7 = []
for k in [7, 11, 14]:
    H7.append([h_k(k, f0, t) for t in np.linspace(0, T, N)])

H9 = []
for k in [5,9,16]:
    H9.append([h_k(k, f0, t) for t in np.linspace(0, T, N)])

added_sample = []
for h in [H0, H7, H9, H5]:
    added_sample += h

ipd.Audio(added_sample, rate=F)

Yet the sound is somehow 2secs long.然而声音不知何故有 2 秒长。 Could someone explain how to add chords insted of 'layering' them?有人可以解释如何添加和弦而不是“分层”它们吗? Any hint would be greatly appreciated!任何提示将不胜感激!

Maybe this small example will help you see the different between append and += :也许这个小例子可以帮助您了解append+=之间的区别:

For each we run:对于我们运行的每一个:

In [54]: alist = [1,2,3]; blist = [4,5]

append adds one item to the list: append向列表中添加一项:

In [55]: alist.append(blist); alist
Out[55]: [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]]

+= is a list join: += 是一个列表连接:

In [57]: alist += blist; alist
Out[57]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

and is the equivalent of extend :并且相当于extend

In [59]: alist.extend(blist); alist
Out[59]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

The non-in-place version of extend:扩展的非就地版本:

In [61]: alist + blist
Out[61]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

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