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为什么 z-index 在我的代码中不起作用?

[英]Why is the z-index not working in my code?

My z-index in CSS is not working.我在 CSS 中的 z-index 不工作。 My fixed header becomes invisible as soon as I scroll over another container.一旦我滚动到另一个容器,我的固定标题就会变得不可见。 Then I wanted to increase the z-index, but it doesn't work.然后我想增加z-index,但它不起作用。

I want my fixed header to no longer become invisible as soon as I scroll over a container.我希望我的固定标题不再在我滚动容器时变得不可见。 Here is my code:这是我的代码:

.header {
    width: 100%;
    height: 95px;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.813);
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 1;

z-index does NOT work on fixed-positioned items. z-index 不适用于固定位置的项目。

Alternatively, you can make a child inside the header, and set the z-index on that.或者,您可以在页眉内创建一个子项,并在其上设置 z-index。

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