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Erlang 接收和之后

[英]Erlang receive and after

p(M, C, B, I) when B =:= 32#3J ->
    receive {_} -> a
    after 27#5C ->
        C ! { self(), { M, (B * 13#37) rem 35#7B, I }} end;

This is a part of code that expects input.这是需要输入的代码的一部分。 I understand that it needs to look like (num,num,115,num) to pass the first part, but I don't understand what happens after that with the receive and the after part, can anybody explain?我知道它需要看起来像(num,num,115,num)才能通过第一部分,但我不明白receiveafter的部分会发生什么,有人可以解释一下吗?

I tried reading documentation of erlang and just couldn't understand that part of the code.我尝试阅读 erlang 的文档,但无法理解那部分代码。

Here's what a receive expression looks like:这是接收表达式的样子:

    Pattern1 [when GuardSeq1] ->
    PatternN [when GuardSeqN] ->
    ExprT ->

In erlang, a receive waits for a message to be sent to the process executing the receive.在 erlang 中, receive等待消息发送到执行接收的进程。 The message has to match a Pattern, in your case {_} , for the Body of the matching clause to execute (otherwise the receive waits indefinitely for a matching message).该消息必须匹配模式,在您的情况下为{_} ,才能执行匹配子句的正文(否则接收将无限期等待匹配消息)。 The term {_} matches any message that consists of a tuple, {} , with a single term inside the tuple, _ .术语{_}匹配任何由元组{}组成的消息,元组中有一个术语_ The notation _ matches anything, so the tuple could contain a nested tuple, a list, a string, a number...anything.符号_匹配任何内容,因此元组可以包含嵌套元组、列表、字符串、数字……任何内容。 So, the tuple {[1,a,"hello"]} would match, but not the tuple {a, 2} .因此,元组{[1,a,"hello"]}会匹配,但元组{a, 2}不会匹配。

receive..after works exactly as receive, except that if no matching message has arrived within ExprT milliseconds, then BodyT is evaluated instead. receive..after工作方式与 receive 完全相同,只是如果在 ExprT 毫秒内没有匹配的消息到达,则改为评估 BodyT。

Here's your code:这是你的代码:

p(M, C, B, I) when B =:= 32#3J -> 
        {_} -> 
    after 27#5C -> 
        C ! { self(), { M, (B * 13#37) rem 35#7B, I }} 

Integers can be expressed in the format: base#value , and 27#5C is the same as the decimal number 147.整数可以表示为: base#value27#5C等同于十进制数 147。

In this line:在这一行中:

C ! { self(), { M, (B * 13#37) rem 35#7B, I }}

the variable C will contain a process identifier, called a "pid" in erlang, and the operator !变量C将包含一个进程标识符,在 erlang 中称为“pid”,以及运算符! sends a message to the process specified on the left hand side.向左侧指定的进程发送消息。 The right had side is the message that is sent to process C , which in this case is a tuple containing the current process identifier, self() , as the first term, and another tuple as the second term.右侧是发送到进程C的消息,在本例中是一个元组,其中包含当前进程标识符self()作为第一项,另一个元组作为第二项。

Your code consists of a function that contains a receive statement, where the receive has a 147 millisecond timeout.您的代码由一个包含接收语句的函数组成,其中接收有 147 毫秒的超时。 After the receive line executes, if there's a message currently in the process mail box that matches {_} or if the process receives a message that matches {_} within the next 147 milliseconds, then the function returns the atom a , otherwise the function sends a message to another process and returns the same message--because ! receive行执行后,如果当前进程邮箱中有匹配{_}的消息,或者进程在接下来的 147 毫秒内收到匹配{_}的消息,则函数返回原子a ,否则函数向另一个进程发送消息并返回相同的消息——因为! returns the right hand side.返回右侧。

In erlang, you can easily start 1 million processes on a basic laptop, and the processes can send each other messages and the processes can receive particular messages and execute code in response to those messages.在 erlang 中,您可以轻松地在一台基本笔记本电脑上启动 100 万个进程,进程可以相互发送消息,进程可以接收特定消息并执行代码以响应这些消息。

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