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构建和重用 React Styled 组件和原生组件

[英]Structuring and reusing React Styled-components and native components

I'm a backend engineer who is learning frontend – very much a noob at this point.我是一名正在学习前端的后端工程师——在这一点上非常菜鸟。 I'm currently learning React and came across styled-components¬, which seems like a great way of handling styling whilst using components.我目前正在学习 React 并遇到了 styled-components¬,这似乎是在使用组件的同时处理样式的好方法。 I'm currently having issues using styled-components with native [React] components and changing them in a modular fashion.我目前在将样式化组件与本机 [React] 组件一起使用并以模块化方式更改它们时遇到问题。 I can't think of a viable option of doing what I want to do, or more likely, I'm doing it wrong.我想不出一个可行的选择来做我想做的事,或者更可能的是,我做错了。 Use case: Here my folder setup:用例:这里是我的文件夹设置:

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

I've decided to include two files for each component:我决定为每个组件包含两个文件:

  • Styles: where all styled-component components reside.样式:所有样式化组件所在的位置。
  • Component: which combines one or more styled-components into a reusable component.组件:将一个或多个样式组件组合成一个可重用的组件。

Here the styles.js:这里是 styles.js:

const StyledDeleteButton = styled.button`
    width: auto;
    height: 30px;

    font-size: 20px;
    text-align: center;
    color: green;

    border: none;
    border-radius: 5px;

    &:hover {
        color: red;

Here the components.js:这里是 components.js:

const DeleteButton = () => <StyledDeleteButton>Delete</StyledDeleteButton>;

What I want to achieve: In my styles, I don't want to apply any positioning now - but can later via props of course.我想要实现的目标:在我的风格中,我现在不想应用任何定位 - 但当然可以稍后通过道具。 But I want to use the native component which has the Delete text.但我想使用具有删除文本的本机组件。 So, my question is, how can I apply addition styling on the component?所以,我的问题是,如何在组件上应用附加样式?

Inheriting the native component, but doesn't seem possible.继承本机组件,但似乎不可能。 I can apply what I want via CSS but want to be consistent as I can.我可以通过 CSS 应用我想要的东西,但我希望尽可能保持一致。

If you don't want to apply any styles for now and do it later, you can pass className as a prop like this, and just use the native <button /> element如果你暂时不想应用任何样式,以后再做,你可以像这样将className作为 prop 传递,并且只使用原生的<button />元素

const DeleteButton = ({className}) => <button className={className}>Delete</button>;

Then later for adding styles, you have to use the styled function on the DeleteButton component然后稍后要添加样式,您必须在DeleteButton组件上使用styled函数

const StyledDeleteButton = styled(DeleteButton)`
    width: auto;
    height: 30px;

    font-size: 20px;
    text-align: center;
    color: green;

    border: none;
    border-radius: 5px;

    &:hover {
        color: red;

Styling any component from the doc为文档中的任何组件设置样式

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