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Python从文件中读取 - 换行

[英]Python read from file - newline

I am writing a list (simple[]) to a file using writelines() and I need each item from the list to be on a new line in the file.我正在使用 writelines() 将列表 (simple[]) 写入文件,我需要列表中的每个项目都在文件中的新行上。 I am using the following code:我正在使用以下代码:

file_path_simple = r'[path_redacted]\tx_list_simple.txt'
    with open(file_path_simple, 'w') as fp:
        for i in simple:
            #ignores any blank lines
            if i == '':

The problem I am having is that when read from the file later it includes the \n, so instead of python reading:我遇到的问题是,稍后从文件中读取时它包含 \n,因此不是 python 读取:


it reads:上面写着:


How can I make it not read the \n?我怎样才能让它不读\n? Or do I need to use something like re.split() to remove the \n prior to reading?或者我是否需要在阅读之前使用 re.split() 之类的东西来删除 \n ?

This seems like something really simple I am overlooking.这似乎是我忽略的非常简单的事情。

You can use rstrip .您可以使用rstrip

i = i.rstrip('\n')

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