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Python ldap3 使用邮件或用户 ID 进行身份验证

[英]Python ldap3 authenticate using mail or user id

I am using the ldap3 library ( https://ldap3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ) with Python and authenticating against LDAP我将 ldap3 库 ( https://ldap3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ) 与 Python 一起使用并针对 LDAP 进行身份验证

conn = Connection(server, user='CN=person,OU=Service Accounts,DC=mydc,DC=mydomain,DC=co,DC=uk', password='Password123', auto_bind=True)

The below works but only because I know the person value.下面的工作,但只是因为我知道person的价值。 How would I set this up so someone can authenticate using their mail or user ID eg forename.surname我将如何设置它以便某人可以使用他们的mail或用户 ID 进行身份验证,例如forename.surname

At the moment they would need to use the dn form which of course no user will ever be likely to know目前他们需要使用dn形式,当然没有用户可能知道


Using this page https://ldap3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial_intro.html#logging-into-the-server使用此页面https://ldap3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial_intro.html#logging-into-the-server

I got the following to work我得到以下工作

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, NTLM

server = Server('ldap://my_ldap_server', get_info='ALL')
conn = Connection(server, user="mydomain\\user", password='Password123', authentication=NTLM)
authenticated = conn.bound

At the moment they would need to use the dn form which of course no user will ever be likely to know目前他们需要使用 dn 形式,当然没有用户可能知道

With standard LDAP directories, you're supposed to bind with the application's own account first, then perform a search for some attribute as the username (eg search Active Directory for sAMAccountName=theuser ), and finally use the found entry's DN as the actual bind DN for password verification.对于标准的 LDAP 目录,您应该首先绑定应用程序自己的帐户,然后搜索某个属性作为用户名(例如,在 Active Directory 中搜索sAMAccountName=theuser ),最后使用找到的条目的 DN 作为实际绑定用于密码验证的 DN。

For Active Directory in particular, you can directly specify either the UPN theuser@ad.example.com or the legacy SAM account name EXAMPLE\theuser in place of the bind DN.特别是对于 Active Directory,您可以直接指定 UPN theuser@ad.example.com或旧版 SAM 帐户名称EXAMPLE\theuser来代替绑定 DN。

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