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返回一个包含除第一个值以外的所有值的新数组,每个值加 7

[英]Return a new array with all values except the first, adding 7 to each

How to return a new array with all values except the first, adding 7 to each For example, addSevenToMost([1, 3, 5]) should return [10, 12]如何返回一个包含除第一个值以外的所有值的新数组,每个值加 7 例如,addSevenToMost([1, 3, 5]) 应该返回 [10, 12]

I tried我试过

let arr = [1, 3, 5];

function addSevenToMost(arr) {
  let except = 0;
  const newArr = arr.filter((value, index) => index !== except);
  return newArr;

I only managed to get the new array values except the first, now I don't know how to add 7 to each.除了第一个,我只设法得到新的数组值,现在我不知道如何给每个值加 7。

 let arr = [1, 3, 5]; let result = arr.slice(1).map(e => e + 7) console.log(result)

 const arr = [1, 3, 5] const result = arr.slice(1).map(item => item + 7) console.log(result)

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