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将证书从 txt 转换为 CER

[英]Convert certificates from txt to CER

Hi there I have an exchange server for which I need to renew its Globalsign authority certificate.您好,我有一个交换服务器,我需要为其更新其 Globalsign 授权证书。

After i purchased it I got a zip file with x3 txt files in (password.txt / pem.txt /private key.txt).购买后,我得到了一个 zip 文件,其中包含 x3 个 txt 文件(password.txt / pem.txt /private key.txt)。

Exchange server can only import CER file how can I convert those to CER file? Exchange 服务器只能导入 CER 文件,如何将这些文件转换为 CER 文件?



Assuming the contents of pem.txt start with =====BEGIN CERTIFICATE===== , you'd either just specify the path of that file, or rename pem.txt to pem.cer (or certificate.cer, or whatever you want to call it).假设pem.txt的内容以=====BEGIN CERTIFICATE=====开头,您要么只指定该文件的路径,要么将 pem.txt 重命名为 pem.cer(或 certificate.cer,或随便你怎么称呼它)。

(And for future reference, taking a screenshot with PrintScr or Alt+PrintScr (just the focused application) and trimming it down in something like paint is better than taking a picture of a monitor) (为了将来参考,使用 PrintScr 或 Alt+PrintScr(只是重点应用程序)截取屏幕截图并在类似油漆的东西中修剪它比拍摄显示器照片更好)

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