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pullrequest 的标题与 Branchname 相同

[英]Title of pullrequest same as Branchname

For pull requests in AzureDevops, im using ALWAYS the branch name as Pull reqeust title.对于 AzureDevops 中的拉取请求,我始终使用分支名称作为拉取请求标题。

How can i set the branch name as default value for title?如何将分支名称设置为标题的默认值? I don't wanna type it again always:-) I've checked the pull request templates, but am not able to make it for the title我不想总是再次输入它:-) 我已经检查了拉取请求模板,但无法将其作为标题


The only way that I can think of is the use of TamperMonkey , there are lot of custom scripts around.我能想到的唯一方法是使用TamperMonkey ,周围有很多自定义脚本。

I searched several sources but couldn't find the exact thing, but I think if you know Javascript you can get inspired quickly by stuff like this:搜索了几个资源但找不到确切的东西,但我认为如果你了解 Javascript,你可以通过这样的东西快速获得灵感:

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