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我怎样才能在 ImageView 中变暗

[英]How can I darker in ImageView

I need to change the image programmatically setting an type of "darker".我需要以编程方式更改图像,设置一种“较暗”的类型。 I need do that bacause the text view in the recycler view need to be in contrast with the background image.我需要这样做,因为回收站视图中的文本视图需要与背景图像形成对比。 How can I put this effect?我怎样才能把这个效果? I need something like this我需要这样的东西例子

you can simply use a FrameLayout with 2 nested views inside, first add your ImageView and then add a view with gradient shape.您可以简单地使用一个带有 2 个嵌套视图的 FrameLayout,首先添加您的 ImageView,然后添加一个具有渐变形状的视图。


    android:src="@drawable/dragon_ball_super" />



You can set a color filter like this:您可以像这样设置滤色器:

background.setColorFilter(Color.RED, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);

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