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C# Gembox 电子表格来填充组合框

[英]C# Gembox Spreadsheet to populate comboBox

I am working on a program that uses comboboxes that are populated from a csv file, I initially just used streamreader to populate the combobox, but I was instructed to use gembox spreadsheet to populate it instead.我正在开发一个使用从 csv 文件填充的组合框的程序,我最初只是使用 streamreader 来填充组合框,但我被指示使用 gembox 电子表格来填充它。

Here is the streamreader code that I used:这是我使用的流阅读器代码:

        private static List<ItemLine> Readfile(string fileName, string defaultValueDescription)
        string path = $".\\Backend Files\\{fileName}";
        var items = new List<ItemLine>();
        int row = 0;
        //read the file
        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);
        while (reader.EndOfStream == false)
            string lines = reader.ReadLine();
            if (row == 1)
                items.Add(new ItemLine { Description = defaultValueDescription, Quantity = 0 });
            string[] itemFields = lines.Split(",");
            ItemLine IL = new ItemLine();
            if (itemFields.Length == 2)
                IL.Description = itemFields[0];
                IL.Quantity = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(itemFields[1], out int qty))
                    IL.Quantity = qty;
            else if (itemFields.Length >= 3)
                IL.Plan = itemFields[0];
                IL.Description = itemFields[1];
                IL.Quantity = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(itemFields[2], out int qty))
                    IL.Quantity = qty;
            ///Add Items to List
        return items;


Here is an example of what I used gembox spreadsheet for in another part of my program which I use to update the csv files with, I think the code I am trying to figure out would look something like:这是我在我用来更新 csv 文件的程序的另一部分中使用 gembox 电子表格的示例,我认为我试图找出的代码看起来像:

 public void updateFile(string filename, int range, ItemLine selectedItem, decimal outValue)
        var fullPath = $".\\Backend Files\\{filename}";
        SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("FREE -LIMITED-KEY");
        var workbook = ExcelFile.Load(fullPath, new CsvLoadOptions(CsvType.CommaDelimited));
        var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
        for (int i = 1; i <= range; i++)
            var plan = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value;
            var desc = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value;
            var csvDescription = plan + " - " + desc;
            var platedescription = plan + " - ";
            if (selectedItem.ComboDescription == csvDescription)
                worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = outValue;
            if (selectedItem.plateDescription == platedescription)
                worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = outValue;
        workbook.Save(fullPath, new CsvSaveOptions(CsvType.CommaDelimited));

Try this:试试这个:

private static List<ItemLine> ReadFile(string fileName, string defaultValueDescription)
    string path = $".\\Backend Files\\{filename}";
    var workbook = ExcelFile.Load(path, new CsvLoadOptions(CsvType.CommaDelimited));
    var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

    var items = new List<ItemLine>();
    items.Add(new ItemLine { Description = defaultValueDescription, Quantity = 0 });

    foreach (var row in worksheet.Rows)
        var cells = row.AllocatedCells;

        var il = new ItemLine();

        if (cells.Count == 2)
            il.Description = cells[0].Value.ToString();
            il.Quantity = cells[1].ValueType == CellValueType.Int ? cells[1].IntValue : 0;
        else if (cells.Count >= 3)
            il.Plan = cells[0].Value.ToString();
            il.Description = cells[1].Value.ToString();
            il.Quantity = cells[2].ValueType == CellValueType.Int ? cells[2].IntValue : 0;

    return items;

Also, I'm not sure about the logic around the defaultValueDescription , it seems that in your StreamReader approach you just skip the first line in CSV because of it.另外,我不确定defaultValueDescription周围的逻辑,似乎在您的StreamReader方法中您只是跳过 CSV 中的第一行,因为它。

If that is the intended behavior, then add the .Skip(1) extension method from System.Linq, like this:如果这是预期的行为,则从 System.Linq 添加.Skip(1)扩展方法,如下所示:

foreach (var row in worksheet.Rows.Skip(1))
    // ...

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