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我想将 EFS 挂载到 ECS,但在使用控制台为 EC2 集群创建 ECS 任务定义时没有 EFS 卷类型选项

[英]I want to mount EFS to ECS but I don't have EFS Volume Type option when creating ECS task definition for EC2-cluster using console

Info says: "Currently, only the bind mount volume type and EFS volume type are supported". Info 说:“目前,仅支持绑定装载卷类型和 EFS 卷类型”。 But there is no option for EFS.但是 EFS 没有选项。 截屏

I read aws article https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/efs-mount-on-ecs-container-or-task/ : "5. Enter the name of the volume, and then select EFS from the Volume types drop-down menu."我阅读了 aws 文章https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/efs-mount-on-ecs-container-or-task/:“5 . 输入卷的名称,然后从中选择 EFS卷类型下拉菜单。”

I created SG for EFS that allows access to port 2049 from the security group of my EC2 cluster.我为 EFS 创建了 SG,它允许从我的 EC2 集群的安全组访问端口 2049。 I created efs in the same vpc and subnets and attached SG for EFS to all mount points.我在相同的 vpc 和子网中创建了 efs,并将 EFS 的 SG 附加到所有挂载点。

But that doesn't help.但这无济于事。 The console doesn't offer me EFS volume type.控制台不提供 EFS 卷类型。

The new ECS experience (top left corner) gives a pretty bad half baked UI to the options that are available.新的 ECS 体验(左上角)为可用选项提供了一个非常糟糕的半成品 UI。 If you disable that, and use the "old experience" and create a new task definition and scroll all the way to the bottom, there's an option to add Volumes where you can add EFS as the volume type.如果您禁用它,并使用“旧体验”并创建一个新的任务定义并一直滚动到底部,则有一个添加卷的选项,您可以在其中添加 EFS 作为卷类型。


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