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如何对违反特定阈值的 EventBridge 规则数量创建警报?

[英]How to create alarm on number of EventBridge Rules breaching a certain threshold?

I have a system that auto creates and deletes CloudWatch Rules but there is a hard limit of 300 rules in every Event Bus.我有一个自动创建和删除 CloudWatch 规则的系统,但每个事件总线都有 300 条规则的硬性限制。 I want to create an alarm that gets triggered whenever a certain number, say 100, is reached.我想创建一个警报,只要达到某个数字(比如 100)就会触发该警报。 How can I do that using CDK code?我怎样才能使用 CDK 代码做到这一点?

Create a Lambda function that calls the ListRules API.创建调用ListRules API 的 Lambda 函数。 The Lambda counts the rules. Lambda 计算规则。 Have EventBridge trigger the Lambda periodically with a scheduled Rule .让 EventBridge 使用计划规则定期触发Lambda。 If you want an Alarm, your Lambda could write the rule count to CloudWatch as a custom metric and configure an Alarm to monitor it.如果您想要一个警报,您的 Lambda 可以将规则计数作为自定义指标写入 CloudWatch,并配置一个警报来监控它。 A simpler option is to have the Lambda put an SNS notification to a Topic if the rule count exceeds 100.一个更简单的选项是让 Lambda 在规则计数超过 100 时向主题发送 SNS 通知。

To recap, the CDK constructs would be: a Lambda Function , an EventBridge Rule and a CloudWatch Alarm (or SNS Topic and Subscription ).回顾一下,CDK 构造将是:一个 Lambda Function 、一个 EventBridge Rule和一个 CloudWatch Alarm (或 SNS TopicSubscription )。

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