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如何将 libs 中的 react 库中的 css 文件导入 nx 集成 monorepo 中的 next.js 应用程序?

[英]How to import css files from react library inside libs to next.js app in nx integrated monorepo?

Can anyone help out on assets configuration in a nx next.js project.任何人都可以帮助 nx next.js 项目中的资产配置。 I have multiple libs and one next.js project.我有多个库和一个 next.js 项目。 I have got two problems我有两个问题

  1. Some of these libs have imported.css files from node_modules but build failed due to global css conflict其中一些库从 node_modules 导入了 .css 文件,但由于全局 css 冲突而构建失败
  2. How to export css files from libs and consume it in main apps如何从 libs 导出 css 文件并在主要应用程序中使用它

For the first question, it seems that next 13.0.3 causes the imported global.css from node_modules to fail due to global css conflict constraint.对于第一个问题,next 13.0.3 似乎导致从 node_modules 导入的 global.css 由于全局 css 冲突约束而失败。 From what I found, it only happen when the import statement is in the lib.根据我的发现,只有当 import 语句在 lib 中时才会发生。 If imported directly in the nextjs pages, the build is successful.如果直接在nextjs页面导入,则构建成功。

Temporarily Fix:临时修复:

  • Downgrade nextjs to 13.0.2 or将 nextjs 降级到 13.0.2 或
  • Import the global css in the app instead改为在应用程序中导入全局 css

https://github.com/vercel/next.js/releases/tag/v13.0.3 #42615 https://github.com/vercel/next.js/releases/tag/v13.0.3 #42615

It seems that (not sure) this is the culprit that cause NX lib to import global css to fail in nextjs.似乎(不确定)这是导致NX lib导入全局css在nextjs中失败的罪魁祸首。 https://github.com/vercel/next.js/pull/42615 https://github.com/vercel/next.js/pull/42615

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