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Uncaught Error:Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys.If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 未捕获的错误:对象作为 React 子项无效(已找到:带键的对象。如果您打算呈现子项集合,请改用数组

[英]Uncaught Error:Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys.If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead

i am trying to resolve this issue related to Objects are not valid as a react child.我正在尝试解决与 Objects are not valid as a react child 有关的问题。 Below for Select admin i am passing all the bots name in select tag as options.在下面的选择管理员中,我将选择标签中的所有机器人名称作为选项传递。

I was able to fetch all bots name.我能够获取所有机器人名称。 When i am trying to pass user list from those bots i am facing this issue, Note: user list is array of objects当我试图从我面临这个问题的那些机器人传递用户列表时,注意:用户列表是对象数组

Here's the code so far let me know where i am missing anything which shoots this error, it would help me in several ways:)到目前为止,这是代码让我知道我在哪里遗漏了任何会引发此错误的东西,它会以多种方式帮助我:)

import React, { FC , useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useIntl } from 'react-intl'
import { KTCard, KTCardBody } from '../../../_metronic/helpers'
import { PageTitle } from '../../../_metronic/layout/core'
import ReactPaginate from 'react-paginate';
import moment from 'moment'
import { get_bots , get_followers  } from '../../utills/api_helper'

function Items({ currentItems }) {
//currentItems refers to array of objects.
  const intl = useIntl()

  return (
      <div className='table-responsive'>
          className='table align-middle table-row-dashed fs-6 gy-5 dataTable no-footer'
            <tr className='text-start text-muted fw-bolder fs-7 text-uppercase gs-0'>
              <td>referred by</td>
              <td>total referrals</td>
          <tbody className='text-gray-600 fw-bold'>
            {currentItems.length ?
              currentItems &&
              currentItems.map((item, index) => (
                <tr key={index}>
                  <td>{item.referral_parent === null ? "---" : item.referral_parent}</td>
                  <td>{!item.tagName ? "---" : item.tagName}</td>
              : (
                  <td colSpan={7}>
                    <div className='d-flex text-center w-100 align-content-center justify-content-center'>
                      No Records..

function Paginater({ items }) {
  const intl = useIntl()
  const [admin, setAdmin] = useState<string | undefined>()
  const [itemsPerPage, setItemsPerPage] = useState<number>(10)
  const [forcePage, setForcePage] = useState<number>(0)
  const [remountComponent, setRemountComponent] = useState(0);
  const [ userGroupList , setUserGroupList ] = useState([]);

  // Here we use item offsets; we could also use page offsets
  // following the API or data you're working with.
  const [itemOffset, setItemOffset] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    get_followers({bot_id:admin}).then((res) => {
  }, [admin])
  // Simulate fetching items from another resources.
  // (This could be items from props; or items loaded in a local state
  // from an API endpoint with useEffect and useState)
  const endOffset = itemOffset + itemsPerPage;
  const showingItemsText = `Showing items from ${itemOffset + 1} to ${endOffset <= userGroupList.length ? endOffset : userGroupList.length}`;
  const currentItems = userGroupList.slice(itemOffset, endOffset);

  const pageCount = Math.ceil(userGroupList.length / itemsPerPage);

  // Invoke when user click to request another page.
  const handlePageClick = (event) => {
    const newOffset = (event.selected * itemsPerPage) % userGroupList.length;

  return (
      <div className='border-0' >
        <div className='row'>
          <div className='col-lg-1'>
            <div className='col-lg-12 py-2'>
              <select className='form-select' onChange={(e) => { setItemOffset(0); setItemsPerPage(parseInt(e.target.value)); setForcePage(0); setRemountComponent(Math.random()); }}>
                <option value={10}>10</option>
                <option value={20}>20</option>
                <option value={50}>50</option>
          {/* begin::Card toolbar */}
          <div className='col-lg-10'>
            <div className='row'>
              <div className='col-lg-3 py-2'>
                  className='form-select form-select-solid'
                  data-placeholder='Select Admin'
                  onChange={(e) => setAdmin(e.target.value)}
                  style={{ fontWeight: 200 }}
                  <option value=''>Select Admin</option>
                    items.map((bots: any, index) => {
                      return (
                        <option key={index.toString()} value={bots._id}>{bots.displayName}</option>
              <div className='col-lg-3 py-2'>
                <button type='button' className='btn btn-primary ms-3' onClick={()=>{setAdmin("")}} >
      <Items currentItems={currentItems} />
      <div className='row' key={remountComponent}>
        <div className='col-lg-6 d-flex align-items-center'>{showingItemsText}</div>
          nextLabel="next >"
          previousLabel="< previous"
          containerClassName="col-lg-6 pagination justify-content-end"
          renderOnZeroPageCount={() => null}

const UserList: FC = () => {

  const [ botList , setBotList ] = useState([]);
//Obtaining all bots and passing to PaginatedItems
  useEffect(() => {
    get_bots({}).then((res) => {
  }, [])

  return (
        <KTCardBody className='py-4'>
          <Paginater items={botList} />

const UsersWrapper: FC = () => {
  return (
      <PageTitle breadcrumbs={[]}>Users</PageTitle>
      <UserList />

export { UsersWrapper }

example data which i receive from api for obtaining all users in the selected bot:我从 api 收到的示例数据,用于获取所选机器人中的所有用户:

created_at: "2022-01-13T07:09:29.480Z"
displayName: "test_name"
follower_event_type: "follow"
follower_id: "follower_id"
follower_mode: "active"
follower_replyToken: "token_id"
follower_type: "user"
referral_code: "ref_code"
referral_count: 0
referral_parent : null
__v: 0
_id : "some_id"

created_at: "2022-01-13T07:09:29.480Z"
displayName: "test_name"
follower_event_type: "follow"
follower_id: "follower_id"
follower_mode: "active"
follower_replyToken: "token_id"
follower_type: "user"
referral_code: "ref_code"
referral_count: 0
referral_parent : null
__v: 0
_id : "some_id"

....and so on

any help is appreciated, thanks!任何帮助表示赞赏,谢谢!

I run your code and replaced the api call with static data, and it seems to work without errors, maybe you should debug what your api is returning我运行了你的代码并用静态数据替换了 api 调用,它似乎没有错误,也许你应该调试你的 api 返回的内容

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const Items = ({ currentItems }) => {
  return (
      <div className="table-responsive">
          className="table align-middle table-row-dashed fs-6 gy-5 dataTable no-footer"
            <tr className="text-start text-muted fw-bolder fs-7 text-uppercase gs-0">
              <td>referred by</td>
              <td>total referrals</td>
          <tbody className="text-gray-600 fw-bold">
            {currentItems.length ? (
              currentItems &&
              currentItems.map((item, index) => (
                <tr key={index}>
                  <td>{item.referral_parent === null ? '---' : item.referral_parent}</td>
                  <td>{!item.tagName ? '---' : item.tagName}</td>
            ) : (
                <td colSpan={7}>
                  <div className="d-flex text-center w-100 align-content-center justify-content-center">
                    No Records..
Items.propTypes = { currentItems: PropTypes.array }

const Paginater = ({ items }) => {
  const [admin, setAdmin] = useState()
  const [itemsPerPage, setItemsPerPage] = useState(10)
  const [forcePage, setForcePage] = useState(0)
  const [remountComponent, setRemountComponent] = useState(0)
  const [userGroupList, setUserGroupList] = useState([])

  // Here we use item offsets; we could also use page offsets
  // following the API or data you're working with.
  const [itemOffset, setItemOffset] = useState(0)

  useEffect(() => {
        created_at: '2022-01-13T07:09:29.480Z',
        displayName: 'test_name',
        follower_event_type: 'follow',
        follower_id: 'follower_id',
        follower_mode: 'active',
        follower_replyToken: 'token_id',
        follower_type: 'user',
        referral_code: 'ref_code',
        referral_count: 0,
        referral_parent: null,
        __v: 0,
        _id: 'some_id',
        created_at: '2022-01-13T07:09:29.480Z',
        displayName: 'test_name',
        follower_event_type: 'follow',
        follower_id: 'follower_id',
        follower_mode: 'active',
        follower_replyToken: 'token_id',
        follower_type: 'user',
        referral_code: 'ref_code',
        referral_count: 0,
        referral_parent: null,
        __v: 0,
        _id: 'some_id',
  }, [admin])
  // Simulate fetching items from another resources.
  // (This could be items from props; or items loaded in a local state
  // from an API endpoint with useEffect and useState)
  const endOffset = itemOffset + itemsPerPage
  const showingItemsText = `Showing items from ${itemOffset + 1} to ${
    endOffset <= userGroupList.length ? endOffset : userGroupList.length
  const currentItems = userGroupList.slice(itemOffset, endOffset)

  const pageCount = Math.ceil(userGroupList.length / itemsPerPage)

  // Invoke when user click to request another page.
  const handlePageClick = (event) => {
    const newOffset = (event.selected * itemsPerPage) % userGroupList.length

  return (
      <div className="border-0">
        <div className="row">
          <div className="col-lg-1">
            <div className="col-lg-12 py-2">
                onChange={(e) => {
                <option value={10}>10</option>
                <option value={20}>20</option>
                <option value={50}>50</option>
          {/* begin::Card toolbar */}
          <div className="col-lg-10">
            <div className="row">
              <div className="col-lg-3 py-2">
                  className="form-select form-select-solid"
                  data-placeholder="Select Admin"
                  onChange={(e) => setAdmin(e.target.value)}
                  style={{ fontWeight: 200 }}
                  <option value="">Select Admin</option>
                  {items.map((bots, index) => {
                    return (
                      <option key={index.toString()} value={bots._id}>
              <div className="col-lg-3 py-2">
                  className="btn btn-primary ms-3"
                  onClick={() => {
      <Items currentItems={currentItems} />
      <div className="row" key={remountComponent}>
        <div className="col-lg-6 d-flex align-items-center">{showingItemsText}</div>
        {/* <ReactPaginate
          nextLabel="next >"
          previousLabel="< previous"
          containerClassName="col-lg-6 pagination justify-content-end"
          renderOnZeroPageCount={() => null}
        /> */}

Paginater.propTypes = { items: PropTypes.array }

const UserList = () => {
  const [botList, setBotList] = useState([])
  //Obtaining all bots and passing to PaginatedItems
  useEffect(() => {
        created_at: '2022-01-13T07:09:29.480Z',
        displayName: 'test_name',
        follower_event_type: 'follow',
        follower_id: 'follower_id',
        follower_mode: 'active',
        follower_replyToken: 'token_id',
        follower_type: 'user',
        referral_code: 'ref_code',
        referral_count: 0,
        referral_parent: null,
        __v: 0,
        _id: 'some_id',
        created_at: '2022-01-13T07:09:29.480Z',
        displayName: 'test_name',
        follower_event_type: 'follow',
        follower_id: 'follower_id',
        follower_mode: 'active',
        follower_replyToken: 'token_id',
        follower_type: 'user',
        referral_code: 'ref_code',
        referral_count: 0,
        referral_parent: null,
        __v: 0,
        _id: 'some_id',
  }, [])

  return (
      <Paginater items={botList} />

const UsersWrapper = () => {
  return (
      <UserList />

export default UsersWrapper


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相关问题 对象作为 React 子级无效(找到:object 和键 {children})。 如果您打算渲染一组孩子,请改用数组 - Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {children}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 对象作为 React 子级无效(找到:object 和键 {value})。 如果您打算渲染一组孩子,请改用数组 - Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {value}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 对象作为 React 子级无效(找到:object 和键 {weight})。 如果您打算渲染一组孩子,请改用数组 - Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {weight}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 对象作为 React 子级无效(找到:object 和键 {_delegate})。 如果您打算渲染一组孩子,请改用数组 - Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {_delegate}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 对象作为React子对象无效(找到:带有键{this}的对象)。 如果要渲染子级集合,请改用数组 - Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {this}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 对象作为 React 子项无效(找到:object 和键 {totalItems})。 如果您打算渲染一组孩子,请改用数组 - Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {totalItems}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 对象作为 React 子级无效(找到:object 和键 {arr})。 如果您打算渲染一组孩子,请改用数组 - Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {arr}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 未捕获的错误:对象作为 React 子对象无效(发现:object 和键 {todo})。 如果您打算渲染一组孩子,请使用数组 - Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {todo}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array 错误:对象作为 React 子级无效(找到:object 和键 {rank})。 如果您打算渲染一组孩子,请改用数组 - Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {rank}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead 错误:对象作为 React 子项无效(找到:object,键为 {})。 如果您打算渲染子集合,请改用数组。 JS - Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead. JS
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