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AWS 区域中的可用区之间是否会出现通信故障?

[英]Can there be a communication failure between availability zones in an AWS region?

Is there a possibility for a communication failure between availability zones (AZs) in an AWS region (assuming both AZs are up but only network communication failure)? AWS 区域中的可用性区域 (AZ) 之间是否存在通信故障的可能性(假设两个 AZ 均已启动但仅网络通信故障)?

If there is a communication failure, is it considered a region failure?如果出现通信故障,是否认为是区域故障?

Is a communication failure between 2 AZs possible? 2个可用区之间是否可能通信失败?

It really depends on what we determine as 'communication' but yes, it is possible.这实际上取决于我们将什么定义为“沟通”,但是是的,这是可能的。 Nothing is 100% guaranteed within AWS.在 AWS 中没有什么是 100% 保证的。

In general, are availability zone failures possible?一般来说,可用区故障是否可能?

No system is without fault and while AWS provide some of the best availability guarantees in the cloud market, there is still a small possibility of failures or disruptions occurring in 1 or more availability zones (AZs) beyond just issues relating to communication (whether you define it as internet connection, specific service unavailability in a region, lack of data access in an AZ or anything else).没有系统是没有故障的,虽然 AWS 在云市场中提供了一些最好的可用性保证,但除了与通信相关的问题(无论您定义它是互联网连接、某个地区的特定服务不可用、AZ 或其他任何地方缺乏数据访问)。

What's a region failure?什么是区域故障?
A region failure is loosely defined as all of the AZs within a region becoming unavailable or otherwise unable to provide the expected level of service.区域故障被宽泛地定义为区域内的所有 AZ 变得不可用或无法提供预期的服务水平。

Are communication failures between AZs in a region classed as a region failure?地域内AZ之间通信失败算地域故障吗?
No and yes.不,是的。

An AWS region is at least three AZs & in some cases, as much as six AZs all becoming unavailable.一个 AWS 区域至少有三个可用区,在某些情况下,多达六个可用区都变得不可用。 Even if two AZs fully fail and go out of service, the region can still respond to requests (though at a degraded level).即使两个 AZ 完全失效并停止服务,该区域仍然可以响应请求(尽管处于降级级别)。

If the 'communication failure' means none of the AZs can respond to requests, it would be classed as a region failure.如果“通信失败”意味着所有 AZ 都无法响应请求,则将其归类为区域故障。

Is an AWS region failure likely? AWS 区域是否可能出现故障?
Not really.并不真地。

AWS region outages are quite rare. AWS 区域中断非常罕见。 Some technical failures such as power or internet failure will always inevitably happen, and other natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, tornadoes or the like are never fully in Amazon's control.一些技术故障,如电力或网络故障,总是不可避免地会发生,而其他自然灾害,如地震、洪水、龙卷风等,也永远不会完全在亚马逊的控制之下。

As mentioned, this is the probability of at least three AZs going down and in some cases, as much as six AZs unable to provide service.如前所述,这是至少三个可用区宕机的概率,在某些情况下,多达六个可用区无法提供服务的概率。 If at least one AZ is still responding to requests, it's not classed as a region failure but more of a service degradation .如果至少有一个 AZ 仍在响应请求,则它不被归类为region failure而是更多的service degradation

Considering each AZ is also one or more discrete data centers with some AZs containing up to five data centers, the risk of a full region failure is very low (but not impossible).考虑到每个 AZ 也是一个或多个离散数据中心,其中一些 AZ 最多包含五个数据中心,因此全区域故障的风险非常低(但并非不可能)。

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