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带有 x:Bind 的 WinUI3 DataGrid 列

[英]WinUI3 DataGrid columns with x:Bind

Is there an MVVM way (using a ViewModel) to use x:bind in XAML for DataGrid columns (DataGridTextColumn, etc)?是否有一种 MVVM 方式(使用 ViewModel)在 XAML 中对 DataGrid 列(DataGridTextColumn 等)使用x:bind

All the code I've seen uses Binding not x:Bind.我见过的所有代码都使用 Binding 而不是 x:Bind。

To answer your question, unfortunately no.要回答你的问题,不幸的是没有。 The DataGrid doesn't support x:Bind . DataGrid 不支持x:Bind There was a feature request a long time ago but I don't think it's going to be supported anytime soon.很久以前就有一个功能请求,但我认为它不会很快得到支持。

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