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[英]how to set domain with python in odoo

Is it possible to set domain on the python side without putting it in view?是否可以在不查看域的情况下在 python 端设置域? I tried to set the domain in the customer field (sale order) based on branch in the Customer menu/template我尝试根据客户菜单/模板中的分支在客户字段(销售订单)中设置域

I have tried this but why it doesn't work?我试过这个但为什么它不起作用?

def _onchange_cust_domain(self):
    for rec in self:
        if self.branch_id.id:
            cust_list = rec.partner_id.branch_id.id
        return {'domain' : {'partner_id' : [('branch_id', '=', cust_list)]}}

I think your problem is that you are making a domain for a field partner_id, but in the onchange method of the same field.我认为您的问题是您正在为字段 partner_id 创建一个域,但是在同一字段的 onchange 方法中。 It makes no sense to me.对我来说完全是无稽之谈。 So if you put a Customer with branch X, then you can only search customers of branch X for that sale_order (if that domain do the job).因此,如果您将 Customer 与分支机构 X 放在一起,那么您只能为该 sale_order 搜索分支机构 X 的客户(如果该域执行此工作)。 I dont know what are you trying to do exactly, but i think than changing a domain in the same field you are changing the value it is no possible.我不知道你到底想做什么,但我认为比起在同一领域改变一个域,你改变的是价值,这是不可能的。

Your code would be correct if that domain applies to another field.如果该域适用于另一个字段,您的代码将是正确的。

This is a working exaple.这是一个有效的例子。 Notice that onchange field method and field to apply domain are diferent:请注意,onchange 字段方法和应用域的字段是不同的:

    def _applicants_onchange(self):
        if self.operating_unit_id:
            return {'domain': {'applicant_id': [('default_operating_unit_id', '=', self.operating_unit_id.id)]}}
        return {}

To set the partner_id domain when the branch_id field value changes, use the following onchange function:要在branch_id字段值更改时设置partner_id域,请使用以下onchange函数:


def onchange_branch_id(self):
    if self.branch_id:
        return {'domain': {'partner_id': [('branch_id', '=', self.branch_id.id)]}}

Odoo sets by default the following domain from the python code: Odoo 默认设置来自 python 代码的以下

['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]

Returning a domain using onchange method has been deprecated in Odoo 14.使用onchange method返回域已在 Odoo 14 中弃用

I'm using this OCA module to filter field depend on another field.我正在使用这个 OCA 模块来过滤依赖于另一个字段的字段。

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