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如何将数据从 Source Oracle DB 传输/迁移到 aws oracle rds

[英]how to transfer/migrate data from Source Oracle DB to aws oracle rds

I have a request to move Source Oracle DB into AWS Oracle RDS.我请求将 Source Oracle DB 移至 AWS Oracle RDS。 I research on AWS page to find out the solution, but AWS guide very complex such as upload dump file to S3, download file dump...I don't want to do on this way because it very take time.我在 AWS 页面上研究以找出解决方案,但 AWS 指南非常复杂,例如将转储文件上传到 S3、下载文件转储……我不想这样做,因为这很花时间。 Any one have any solution to move database to AWS Oracle RDS?有人有将数据库移动到 AWS Oracle RDS 的解决方案吗?

My updated: Source Oracle DB is not use any AWS service.我的更新:源 Oracle DB 未使用任何 AWS 服务。 It only installed on phycical server.它只安装在物理服务器上。

Please help share any solution/tools can use to migrate请帮助分享任何可用于迁移的解决方案/工具

You can use SQL Developer Tool to copy database from source to AWS Oracle RDS (I am using SQL Developer Tool version您可以使用 SQL Developer Tool 将数据库从源复制到 AWS Oracle RDS(我使用的是 SQL Developer Tool 版本 在此处输入图像描述

Before migrate you need the below things to prepare/configure on AWS Oracle RDS, to ensure the same with Source Oracle DB在迁移之前,您需要在 AWS Oracle RDS 上准备/配置以下内容,以确保与 Source Oracle DB 相同

  1. Create the same user who assigned to your schema/database创建分配给您的架构/数据库的同一用户
  2. If Source Oracle DB is using tablespace, you must be create the same tablespace如果源 Oracle 数据库正在使用表空间,则必须创建相同的表空间

After prepared, You will do the below steps on SQL Developer Tool准备好后,您将在 SQL Developer Tool 上执行以下步骤

  1. Using admin account to created a connect to Source Oracle DB server.使用管理员帐户创建到源 Oracle 数据库服务器的连接。

  2. Using admin account to created a connect to Oracle AWS server.使用管理员帐户创建到 Oracle AWS 服务器的连接。 在此处输入图像描述

  3. Go to Tools -> Database Copy...转到工具 - >数据库复制... 在此处输入图像描述

  4. On Dialog, choose source db and destination db在对话框中,选择源数据库和目标数据库在此处输入图像描述

    INFO:If you are using tablespace on source db, you must be choose [Tablespace Copy] like that:信息:如果您在源数据库上使用表空间,则必须像这样选择 [Tablespace Copy]:


  5. Click Next to continue and waiting to transfer.单击“下一步”继续并等待传输。

You can use the AWS native Database Migration Service (AWS DMS).您可以使用 AWS 原生数据库迁移服务 (AWS DMS)。 Below is the link to the AWS DMS workshop.下面是 AWS DMS 研讨会的链接。

https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/77bdff4f-2d9e-4d68-99ba-248ea95b3aca/en-US/oracle-oracle/data-migration https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/77bdff4f-2d9e-4d68-99ba-248ea95b3aca/en-US/oracle-oracle/data-migration

In the link, source database is mentioned as AWS RDS, but you can connect to any source database at on-premises or other locations.在链接中,源数据库被称为 AWS RDS,但您可以连接到本地或其他位置的任何源数据库。 All you need is connectivity (between source Oracle and AWS target RDS Oracle) along with source database host IP, database port and db user credentials with necessary permissions to pull data from source.您所需要的只是连接(在源 Oracle 和 AWS 目标 RDS Oracle 之间)以及源数据库主机 IP、数据库端口和具有从源中提取数据所需权限的数据库用户凭据。 Usually for database migrations a direct connect is recommended to avoid data transfer related issues, but can also be done over VPN (can be slow for large migrations)通常对于数据库迁移,建议直接连接以避免数据传输相关问题,但也可以通过 VPN 完成(对于大型迁移可能会很慢)

Start with the pre-requisites (permissions, grants etc.) to prepare the source database for migration as mentioned in the link above.从先决条件(权限、授权等)开始,为上面的链接中提到的迁移准备源数据库。

Other tools to explore would be to use Database native tools, like for Oracle we get Data Pump (export/import), for which we will have to use S3 for dumping the source data and then importing into AWS RDS from S3.其他要探索的工具是使用数据库本机工具,例如对于 Oracle,我们得到数据泵(导出/导入),为此我们必须使用 S3 来转储源数据,然后从 S3 导入到 AWS RDS。 This may be ok for one time activity.这对于一次性活动来说可能没问题。 But for large number of migrations AWS DMS with a stable connectivity is the way to go.但对于大量迁移,具有稳定连接的 AWS DMS 是可行的方法。

Third option I can think of is use of AWS Snowball, if there is no reliable connectivity between source and AWS for large data transfer.我能想到的第三个选项是使用 AWS Snowball,如果在源和 AWS 之间没有可靠的连接进行大数据传输。 AWS Snowball edge storage can be requested to your db location and hooked up to the network.可以向您的数据库位置请求 AWS Snowball 边缘存储并连接到网络。 Dump the database export into the Snowball and ship it back to AWS.将数据库导出转储到 Snowball 中并将其运回 AWS。 They will copy the DB dump to a S3 bucket and from there we can import it into RDS.他们会将数据库转储复制到 S3 存储桶,我们可以从那里将其导入 RDS。

Hope that helps...希望有帮助...

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