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为什么我需要安装 SSMS 才能从远程 PC 打开 Crystal Reports

[英]Why do I need to install SSMS to open Crystal Reports from remote PC

I have a Visual Basic .NET application located on a server in the network.我有一个位于网络服务器上的 Visual Basic .NET 应用程序。 When I run the application from a PC in the network it works fine.当我从网络中的 PC 运行应用程序时,它工作正常。 The login/password is checked and all information is loaded from the database.检查登录名/密码,并从数据库加载所有信息。 The only thing that is not working is opening a Crystal Report.唯一不起作用的是打开 Crystal Report。 I get the following popup:我收到以下弹出窗口:


When I install SSMS version 18.12.1 on the PC the problem is solved.当我在 PC 上安装 SSMS 版本 18.12.1 时,问题就解决了。 I don't even have to open SSMS once.我什至不必打开 SSMS 一次。 The question is: what part of SSMS makes it work?问题是:SSMS 的哪一部分使其起作用? I tried to install only Microsoft® ODBC Driver 13.1 for SQL Server® but that didn't solve it.我尝试只安装 Microsoft® ODBC Driver 13.1 for SQL Server®,但这并没有解决问题。

Installed Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Native Client was the solution for my problem安装 Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Native Client 是我的问题的解决方案

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