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ESXi 6.5 - Root 密码不适用于新安装

[英]ESXi 6.5 - Root password not working on new installation

For some strange reason ESXi 6.5 root password isn't working on a new installation.出于某种奇怪的原因,ESXi 6.5 root 密码在新安装中不起作用。 I even tried removing the password by modifying shadow file (following this guide ) and still it doesn't allow me to login with a blank password.我什至尝试通过修改影子文件(按照本指南)来删除密码,但它仍然不允许我使用空白密码登录。

Any idea what could be wrong with a new installation?知道新安装可能有什么问题吗? I'm trying to run ESXi using Qemu.我正在尝试使用 Qemu 运行 ESXi。

I've set the password as password我已将密码设置为password

屏幕截图 1

But during login it says invalid password.但是在登录时它说密码无效。

屏幕截图 3

Figured it out.弄清楚了。

The problem was with Qemu Emulator.问题出在 Qemu 模拟器上。 I was testing using old version of qemu (3.x) but I can't login when I use 3.x version of Qemu.我正在使用旧版本的 qemu (3.x) 进行测试,但是当我使用 3.x 版本的 Qemu 时我无法登录。 I then started the ESXi using 7.x version of qemu and I was able to login.然后,我使用 7.x 版的 qemu 启动了 ESXi,并且能够登录。

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