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Overleaf 中的 Biblatex 不显示引文或参考书目

[英]Biblatex in Overleaf does not show citations nor bibliography

I am working with biblatex in overleaf and here is a minimal (not) working version of what I do:我在背面使用 biblatex,这是我所做工作的最小(非)工作版本:



%bibliography stuff




\tableofcontents %{\protect\newpage}


\chapter{Astro Basics}
Cool stuff was found by Johannes Kepler \citep{Kepler} \cite{KeplerCopernic}, and Isaac Newton \cite{Newton1687}, in the 16th century. \\





And this is the bib file:这是围兜文件:

  author    = "Johannes {Kepler} and Tycho {Brahe} and {Rudolph II}",
  title     = "{Astronomia nova aitiologetos}",
  %publisher = "",
  year      = "1609",
  %volume    = "",
  %number    = "",
  %series    = "",
  %address   = "",
  %edition   = "",
  %month     = "",
  %note      = "",
  %annote    = ""
  doi       ={10.5479/sil.126675.39088002685477}

  author    = "Johannes {Kepler}",
  title     = "{Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae}",
  %publisher = "",
  year      = "1618-1621",
  %volume    = "",
  %number    = "",
  %series    = "",
  %address   = "",
  %edition   = "",
  %month     = "",
  %note      = "",
  %annote    = ""

  author    = "Isaac Newton",
  title     = "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.",
  publisher = "Londini, Jussu Societatis Regiæ ac Typis Josephi Streater. Prostat apud plures Bibliopolas.",
  year      = "1687",

  note      = "Retrieved from the Library of Congress \url{https://www.loc.gov/item/28020872/}"

What I get in the text as a citation is my keyword, not the actual citation style (no matter what style I choose).我在文本中作为引文得到的是我的关键词,而不是实际的引文风格(无论我选择什么风格)。 Also, the bibliography is not printed in the end and does not even appear in the table of context nor just as a title of the section in the text.此外,参考书目并没有在最后打印出来,甚至没有出现在上下文表中,也没有仅仅作为文本中该部分的标题。 So I am obviously doing something wrong.所以我显然做错了什么。

I do not get error messages, I can produce a pdf file.我没有收到错误消息,我可以生成一个 pdf 文件。 There are warnings like "citation... is undefined" or "empty bibliography input" which did not help me understand how to solve it yet.有诸如“引文...未定义”或“空参考书目输入”之类的警告,这并没有帮助我理解如何解决它。

I already searched for solutions a lot and tried out the examples of others, but could not find a solution.我已经搜索了很多解决方案并尝试了其他人的示例,但找不到解决方案。 I could imagine that the issue is something very basic that I can not think of and is so basic that is not written anywhere, but maybe I am wrong and it is a more complex issue.我可以想象这个问题是一些我想不到的非常基础的东西,而且非常基础以至于没有写在任何地方,但也许我错了,这是一个更复杂的问题。 In any way I would be deeply grateful for any ideas and hints that could help me fixing the issue.无论如何,我将非常感谢任何可以帮助我解决问题的想法和提示。 Thank you in advance!先感谢您!

\citep is not a native biblatex macro. \citep不是原生的biblatex宏。 If you want to use it, you need to use the natbib package option when loading the biblatex package:如果你想使用它,你需要在加载biblatex包时使用natbib包选项:



%bibliography stuff

  author    = "Johannes {Kepler} and Tycho {Brahe} and {Rudolph II}",
  title     = "{Astronomia nova aitiologetos}",
  %publisher = "",
  year      = "1609",
  %volume    = "",
  %number    = "",
  %series    = "",
  %address   = "",
  %edition   = "",
  %month     = "",
  %note      = "",
  %annote    = ""
  doi       ={10.5479/sil.126675.39088002685477}

  author    = "Johannes {Kepler}",
  title     = "{Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae}",
  %publisher = "",
  year      = "1618-1621",
  %volume    = "",
  %number    = "",
  %series    = "",
  %address   = "",
  %edition   = "",
  %month     = "",
  %note      = "",
  %annote    = ""

  author    = "Isaac Newton",
  title     = "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.",
  publisher = "Londini, Jussu Societatis Regiæ ac Typis Josephi Streater. Prostat apud plures Bibliopolas.",
  year      = "1687",

  note      = "Retrieved from the Library of Congress \url{https://www.loc.gov/item/28020872/}"





\tableofcontents %{\protect\newpage}


\chapter{Astro Basics}
Cool stuff was found by Johannes Kepler \citep{Kepler} \cite{KeplerCopernic}, and Isaac Newton \cite{Newton1687}, in the 16th century. \\





As an update on how I solved the issue: The minimal example was working with the given answers, but the actual file did not.作为我如何解决这个问题的更新:最小的例子是使用给定的答案,但实际文件没有。 As I could not solve it even after much more time and research, I gave up and used a totally different template instead, where the bibliography works.由于即使经过更多的时间和研究我也无法解决它,我放弃了并使用了一个完全不同的模板,参考书目在那里工作。 So maybe this is another (although less satisfying) solution that might work for other people with similar issues as well.因此,也许这是另一个(虽然不太令人满意)解决方案,也可能适用于其他有类似问题的人。

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