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Hive ParseException:无法识别“创建”“表”附近的输入

[英]Hive ParseException: cannot recognize input near 'create' 'table'

I am trying to conduct a hive query of the form我正在尝试对表单进行蜂巢查询

with (
select a,b from some_db.some_table
) as my_subquery

create table some_other_db.new_table as select * from my_subquery

And I am getting the error我收到了错误

cannot recognize input near 'create' 'table' 'some_other_db' in statement

How do I resolve?我该如何解决?

The issue is in hive you cannot include create statements after a with statement.问题出在配置单元中,您不能在with语句之后包含create语句。 They need to be before.他们需要在之前。

The following query worked:以下查询有效:

create table some_other_db.new_table as 
with (
select a,b from some_db.some_table
) as my_subquery

select * from my_subquery


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