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有人可以向我解释一下吗? ROUND(AVG(cast(tripduration as int64)/60),2)

[英]Can somebody please explain me this? ROUND(AVG(cast(tripduration as int64)/60),2)

Im not very savvy when it comes tech I verely just started the Google Data Analytics course, but I found my self lost in this query:当涉及到技术时,我不是很精明我刚刚开始谷歌数据分析课程,但我发现自己迷失在这个查询中:

ROUND(AVG(cast(tripduration as int64)/60),2) ROUND(AVG(cast(tripduration as int64)/60),2)

What exactly I'm asking when writing down this query?写下此查询时我到底在问什么? I can't really understand the instructor from the course.我无法真正理解课程中的讲师。

I can run my query with no problem I just can't understand what exactly I'm doing.我可以毫无问题地运行我的查询,我只是不明白我到底在做什么。

It calculates the average trip duration in minutes and rounds it to two decimal places它以分钟为单位计算平均行程持续时间并将其四舍五入到小数点后两位


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