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[英]How can I test calling a contract function from a specific address?

Here's my contract:这是我的合同:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

contract NoteDrop {
    string public text = "Hello, world!";
    address public lastPoster;

    event NewText(
        string text,
        address lastPoster

    constructor() {
        // Do nothing

    function setText(string memory _text) public {
        text = _text;
        lastPoster = msg.sender;
        emit NewText(_text, msg.sender);

Here's my test:这是我的测试:

contract('NoteDrop', () => {
  let noteDropContract;

  beforeEach(async() => {
    noteDropContract = await NoteDropContract.new();

  describe('lastPoster', async() => {
    it('is changed automatically', async() => {
      await noteDropContract.setText("something", {from: "XXXXX"});
      const lastPoster = await noteDropContract.lastPoster();
      assert.equal(lastPoster, "XXXXX");

I would like to test that the lastPoster field gets updated on the contract to the address that last called the setText function.我想测试lastPoster字段是否在合同上更新为最后调用setText函数的地址。

What I don't know is how to generate (or fetch) an address that has a balance.我不知道的是如何生成(或获取)具有余额的地址。 I need that to call setText from that specific address, so that I can then assert that noteDrop.lastPoster() equals that sender address.我需要from该特定地址调用setText ,这样我就可以assert noteDrop.lastPoster()等于该发件人地址。

What am I missing?我错过了什么? How can I generate an address to do this?我怎样才能生成一个地址来做到这一点?

I found the solution quickly.我很快找到了解决方案。 The answer is that the contract test function can take an optional parameter, accounts :答案是合约测试函数可以采用可选参数accounts

contract('NoteDrop', (accounts) => {

You can then use this down in your tests like so:然后你可以像这样在你的测试中使用它:

it('is changed automatically', async() => {
  await noteDropContract.setText("something", {from: accounts[0]});
  const lastPoster = await noteDropContract.lastPoster();
  assert.equal(lastPoster, accounts[0]);


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