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如何优化 CVXPY 中的逆跟踪?

[英]How to optimize trace of inverse in CVXPY?

How can I formulate an objective function that minimizes the trace of an inverse matrix using cvxpy?如何使用 cvxpy 制定一个最小化逆矩阵迹的目标函数?

Concretely the following problem:具体有以下问题:



subject to:受:


I have seen the trace_inv objective function in cvx but so far was not able to figure out how to translate this to cvxpy.我已经在 cvx 中看到了 trace_inv 目标函数,但到目前为止还无法弄清楚如何将其转换为 cvxpy。

I figured it out by looking at the source code on git, https://github.com/cvxr/CVX/tree/master/functions .我通过查看 git 上的源代码https://github.com/cvxr/CVX/tree/master/functions弄明白了。

The function matrix_frac() fits the problem.函数matrix_frac()适合这个问题。

Here is a minimal example:这是一个最小的例子:

import cvxpy as cp

n = 20
k = 5

A_list = []
for i in range(n):
    A = np.random.uniform(0,10,(6,6))

# Create two scalar optimization variables.
z = cp.Variable(n)

# Create two constraints.
constraints = [z >= 0,
               z <= 1,
              np.ones((n,))@z == k]

cost = sum([z[i] * A_list[i] for i in range(n)])

# Form objective.
obj = cp.Minimize(cp.matrix_frac(np.eye(6), cost))

# Form and solve problem.
prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)

prob.solve()  # Returns the optimal value.

print("status:", prob.status)
print("optimal value", prob.value)

# compute trace of inverse using z
S = np.zeros(A_list[0].shape)
for i in range(len(z.value)):
    S += z.value[i] * A_list[i]
value = np.trace(np.linalg.inv(S))

print("value", value)
print(prob.value == value)


status: optimal
optimal value 0.02061809722699777
value 0.02061809722699777

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