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如何为 React 和智能合约部署设置基础环境

[英]how to setup basic environment for react and smart contract deployment

how to setup basic environment for react and smart contract deployment如何为 React 和智能合约部署设置基础环境

I am not able to setup environment for below tech stack basic environment for truffle, solidity,react app on vs code我无法在 vs code 上为 truffle、solidity、react 应用程序的技术堆栈基本环境设置环境

Truffle is old now.松露现在老了。

The stack for setting up a basic environment for react and smart contract deployment would be:为 React 和智能合约部署设置基本环境的堆栈将是:

Node.js React Hardhat Web3.js - for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain from within a React application MetaMask Test ethers on goreli Node prodiver - Alchemy Web3 modal for connect wallet Node.js React Hardhat Web3.js - 用于在 React 应用程序 MetaMask 中与以太坊区块链交互

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