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`contextWithCGContext:options:` 方法的目的是什么?

[英]What is the purpose of `contextWithCGContext:options:` method?

I treated CIContext as a kind of abstract state collector, which purpose is to allow CIFilter s to function.我将CIContext视为一种抽象状态收集器,其目的是让CIFilter发挥作用。

But there is +[CIContext contextWithCGContext:options:] function which accepts CGContextRef as its input.但是有一个+[CIContext contextWithCGContext:options:]函数接受CGContextRef作为它的输入。

What does it mean?这是什么意思? If this CGContextRef already contains some graphics, then how it will be used in newly created CIContext ?如果这个CGContextRef已经包含一些图形,那么它将如何在新创建的CIContext中使用?

Will the contents of CGContextRef affect CIFilters in any way? CGContextRef的内容会以任何方式影响CIFilters吗?

Is it possible to output CIImages , produced by CIFilters , into this initial CGContextRef ?是否可以将CIImages生成的CIFilters输出到这个初始CGContextRef中?

What does it mean?这是什么意思? If this CGContextRef already contains some graphics, then how it will be used in newly created CIContext ?如果这个CGContextRef已经包含一些图形,那么它将如何在新创建的CIContext中使用?

CIContext can be backed by the CGContext , and used to draw the filtered data on top of the context's content. CIContext可以由CGContext支持,并用于在上下文内容之上绘制过滤后的数据。

Is it possible to output CIImages , produced by CIFilters , into this initial CGContextRef ?是否可以将CIImages生成的CIFilters输出到这个初始CGContextRef中?

(Almost) any UIView class sets a CGContext shortly before calling drawRect: method, and if you are not going to produce an UIImage / CIImage object, but instead just want to override this method and draw the result of your filters, you can get use of -[CIContext drawImage:inRect:fromRect:] in order to render your (eg filtered) data to the context of this view: (几乎)任何UIView类都会在调用drawRect:方法之前不久设置一个CGContext ,如果您不打算生成UIImage / CIImage对象,而只是想覆盖此方法并绘制过滤器的结果,您可以使用的-[CIContext drawImage:inRect:fromRect:]以便将您的(例如过滤后的)数据呈现到此视图的上下文中:

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
    CIContext *context = [CIContext contextWithCGContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() options:nil];
    CIImage *input = self.image.CIImage;

    CIFilter *filter = [[self class] makeFilter];
    [filter setValue:input forKey:kCIInputImageKey];

    [context drawImage:filter.outputImage

Will the contents of CGContextRef affect CIFilters in any way? CGContextRef的内容会以任何方式影响CIFilters吗?

Not exactly, CIFilter s objects in isolation don't get affected by any side effects of CGContext state currently active.不完全是,孤立的CIFilter对象不会受到当前活动的CGContext状态的任何副作用的影响。 However if the CGContext itself has any transformation in place, it won't be discarded of course:然而,如果CGContext本身有任何转换,它当然不会被丢弃:

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {

    CGContextRef cgContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    CGContextRotateCTM(cgContext, radians(-45.));

    CIContext *context = [CIContext contextWithCGContext:cgContext options:nil];
    ... Applies CIFilter sequence ...
    // The result will be both filtered and rotated by 45 degrees counterclockwise
    [context drawImage:filter.outputImage

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